Like, how are you, not just as a greeting.

  • @[email protected]
    62 months ago

    Or we will pull through it, jettisoning the billionaire capitalist class and learning how to survive and thrive again.

    Do I believe it? Fuck no. But it’s not worth discarding the possibility. I’ve spent my life trying to be better. Others can too. And enough people trying to be better might be able to pull through.

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      Here’s my take. I grew up in the Cold War. I saw no way out. Figured we were all done, with a state of permanent Cold War until an inevitable Hot War that ends it all. And then, very suddenly, in 1989, the Cold War was over. No nuclear explosions, no cities vaporized. Just a new and hopeful future.

      And now, here we are today. I see no way out of the climate crisis, and it’s depressing. But I haven’t forgotten the lesson I learned from the Cold War. Just because I can’t see a way out, it doesn’t mean there isn’t, or that there won’t be. I don’t know how, but I’ve seen it before, humanity’s disaster somehow averted out of nowhere. Doesn’t mean we’ll skip climate disaster. Just means that just because you don’t see a way out right now, there still may be a way, and we should all work toward such a future.

      Thank you for reading my Ted Talk. Fingers crossed.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      The class war, hell nuclear war I can believe we can beat. The climate is where I don’t see a way out. Even if we did an Apollo level effort as a whole world coming together like today. It would not be enough it would be better sure but not enough.

      But we are not doing that we have to do the class war / undo fascism and the water wars first before we eventually start to make make a major effort. It’s like recycling they all tell us if I just sort these cardboard boxes I will makes the world a better place as company dumps plastic waste in the water supply. It’s diminishing results and that equals not enough.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      Also I wish every day that I’m wrong. I will eat crow with the biggest smile on my face.