Daughter (15) recently told my wife and I that she has a huge crush on this boy (17) from school who’s hanging out with her friend group a lot these days. She said he can’t date because he’s a Jehovah’s Witness. All wife & I knew before is that they’re some Christian group. From what we read online they seem to be pretty radical & abstract stuff like 144000 (?), Armageddon. They even get called a cult.

  • bluGill
    12 months ago

    Like Mormons, many christian groups consider the theological differences strong enough to not call them christian. Of course Christian is a label that was applied by outsiders to talk about this new sect and so I guess really what counts could be how outsiders think of them.

    Take your pick. You can argue either way.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Except then you have to make many other denominations not christian. Mormons redefine the relationship with God and have a whole new text which IMO makes them a new branch of the faith