This has never happened to me before, but I was scrolling Uber Eats (even though I can’t afford to get anything) and I saw a vegan Biscoff cheesecake and immediately smelled the sweet scent of Biscoff for a second. It wasn’t like I just imagined how it smells like, I actually (at least mentally) “smelled” it as if it was there, and it made me consider if I was genuinely smelling something real (physically present) at the same time coincidentally but that makes no sense. The smell is very specific and I haven’t had anything with Biscoff for quite a while and there is nothing around that would smell like it. I’ve never thought I had synesthesia (blending of senses/experiencing one sense as another) before but could this be a form of it?

I’ve read that olfactory response (smelling) sense memory is one of the strongest forms of sense memories, deeply ingrained in our subconscious. Smelling something familiar can trigger powerful memories and bring up emotions or even forgotten parts of your life. So maybe it can work in reverse as well, where seeing something familiar that you have a strong olfactory sense memory associated with (particularly a pleasurable one), maybe combined with taste memory (though it’s notable I smelled it, not taste), could trigger such an intense reminder that it activates the actual memory of the smell as if it were really there?

Also, I may have partial anosmia (hyposmia), where I have difficulty smelling things, so that could play a role?

  • ultimate
    52 months ago

    Dude wtf. I had a dream last night where my phone was able to generate smells.

    I forgot about it until I read this post. Wow. It’s actually crazy.