• @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    I won’t deny the oligarchy thing, but I think it’s a pretty hot take that the election was predetermined.

    Occam’s Razor… There are many other possibilities that seem more likely to me. Such as the Biden campaign floundering at the last second - which you could again argue was rigged, but once again, seems to be the less likely thing. You’re suggesting that many people would be in on this conspiracy and that ALL of them would stay quiet. All the thousands of regular citizens who participate in the election process would also have to stay quiet. I know some of those people - they are regular people living regular lives. You’re also supposing that this cohort of dishonest people would find it advantageous to spend a huge amount of resources on elections - it’s pretty incredible how much effort goes into it, and if they already knew what the outcome was going to be, I would think they would act differently (perhaps you argue “that’s the point, just to fool you”).

    We start to paint the picture of a conspiracy to control the American people when they are already under control because of capitalism. Everyone would have been under government control regardless of the election outcome. So I don’t understand the supposed motivation for everyone working together to rig the election in Trump’s favor. There are oligarchs who this election result does not favor as well, so I don’t buy that it is just them pulling the strings. Oligarchs have influence no matter the administration, so why would they care to rig the election? Maybe a few of them would rig it to try to get power (see Musk), but it doesn’t make sense that they would all be working together to rig it.

    So I don’t buy that the Biden and Kamala campaigns were in on it, and I don’t buy that election workers were in on it.

    What makes you so sure the election was rigged??

    • 🏴 hamid the villain [he/him] 🏴OP
      1 month ago

      Americans are the most gullible idiots in the world.

      Your elections are based on redistricting. They do conspire to draw them to win, it is called gerrymandering. Because the system doesn’t work and is designed to maintain an oligarchy they don’t need to fix the entire thing across the entire country, they need to redraw the districts so they only need to fix a handful, and they do. They do not let the worlds largest nuclear armed oligarchy bend to the will on the dumbest people on earth.

      Also they don’t need to fix every election, they need to fix a certain % of them over the course of years to push an agenda across they’ve been working on for a long time. You are literally falling victim to the business plot now. While you write paragraphs talking about Occlam’s razor you literally just need to look out of your window to see the results.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        In all US states except for 2, the popular vote determines who ALL the electors are from that state, so the gerrymandering does NOT have a direct impact on the result of the presidential election, or at least not very much (I believe gerrymandering can affect Maine and Nebraska electoral votes, but only a small number of them, much less than the 10% you suggest would be needed).

        Gerrymandering DOES impact things like voter ID laws and other policies that can make it harder for certain people to vote, so in that way you could argue that gerrymandering indirectly affects the presidential election.

        If you really want to argue that the presidential elections in the US are rigged, you should focus on voting machines I would say. But even then I think it’s a stretch.