• @PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
    1 month ago

    oh wow, are we at the “bringing up non-sequitur talking points” point of this debate already?

    You claimed that “Democrats have no principles. they’ll campaign on anything they think will get them votes.” My point was that on the two biggest problems of the day, the last Democrat to be in office worked hard on it, and that’s relevant here.

    If you’re talking only about campaigning, saying that regardless of their principled performance in office, their messaging is incoherent dogshit that matches whatever they think people want to hear but doesn’t even do a good job of that, we can agree completely.

    And, actually, on most Democrats we can agree as to that they just don’t do much. I just think Biden was an exception, with Gaza as a notable return to the norm, which was tragic for everybody.

    Democrats’ opposition to climate change isn’t based on principles, it’s based on “say whatever we need to say to get elected”.

    Biden was the first US president who ever took any kind of big action on climate change. We needed to do ten times more, and we needed to do it 20 years ago, but if your metric for “opposition to climate change” is based purely on campaign statements, not on anything that people actually do, then I would request a reframing of the landscape.

    Of course, as far as “normal” Democrats, you’re completely right. Biden was an outlier. Most of them don’t seem to give a shit.

    You listed all the favorite talking points about individual things that Biden did bad on the climate. If you look at the entire picture, it looks like this:


    Or like this, if you consider infographics suspect:


    so Biden gets a talking point about how he reduced income inequality…but for actual low-income people, nothing materially improves. again, this underscores the point I was making. Democrats don’t have “help poor people” as a principle, they just want to get votes based on a perception that they help the poor.

    Here’s a summary of what you’re talking about:


    Relevant excerpt:

    Between 2019 and 2023, hourly wage growth was strongest at the bottom of the wage distribution. The 10th-percentile real hourly wage grew 13.2% over the four-year period. To be clear, these are real (inflation-adjusted) wage changes. Overall inflation grew nearly 20%, or about 4.5% annually, between 2019 and 2023. Even with this historically fast inflation, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic recession, low-end wages grew substantially faster than price growth. Nominal wages (i.e., not inflation-adjusted) rose by roughly 34% cumulatively since 2019.

    There’s actually a specific reason why high-end wages dropped, during that time: Biden pursued deliberately inflationary policies, during the worst of the Covid recovery, to keep unemployment low. The alternative would have been to let unemployment stay high, depress wages, but make the rich people happy by keeping inflation lower than it would have been. He did the first one. Are you interested in me digging up an article on the details? They’re pretty interesting.

    2022 was the inflation year, when absolutely historic inflation slammed every country in the world, and in the US it was worse (temporarily) because of Biden’s specifically working-person-friendly policies. Again, if you’re genuinely interested in this stuff, let me know and I’ll look up an article, I just don’t want to do it if you’re not planning to engage with it. It’s not surprising to me that if you hit the pause button exactly in 2022, real wages looked the same as 2019, since 10th percentile wages were already steadily rising, but inflation was around 8% that year.


    After that, even after Covid, wages at the 10th percentile grew very steeply. High-income earners continued to lose out a little bit, the middle of the scale stayed pretty much even, and low-income earners saw their biggest gains since LBJ. Again, if you’re interested in more than the articles I already sent, let me know, and I’ll dig up some more details.

    This is all by way of response to you saying that Democrats don’t actually do anything, more or less, they just run around making things worse and asking for money and votes. Actually, as far as most Democrats I think that’s pretty accurate (although voting for them so the Republicans don’t get into office and start killing people on purpose still seems sensible to me). But Biden was an exception.

    • @spit_evil_olive_tips@beehaw.orgOP
      11 month ago

      This is all by way of response to you saying that Democrats don’t actually do anything, more or less, they just run around making things worse and asking for money and votes.

      yeah, you completely misunderstood what I’m saying.

      this is a framing of the problem that I often see from apologists of people like Biden - that his critics want him to “do more”.

      as if politics can be simplified down to a big dial with “do nothing” on one end, and “do lots of stuff” on the other, and critics simply want the dial turned higher.

      in this oversimplification, if you can paint criticism of Biden as “he should have done more” then that criticism can be refuted with “no, look at all the things he did”. which is what you’re trying to do here. I say Biden has no principles, and you try to refute that with “no, look at this bill that he signed”.

      what I’m actually complaining about is Biden and other Democrats doing the wrong thing.

      Biden approved a bunch of oil drilling. I would have preferred him to do less. less would have been an improvement. less would have been consistent with the Democrats’ supposed principled opposition to climate change.

      Biden approved (and expanded) a bunch of weapons shipments to Israel. again, I wanted him to do less.

      the “do more” vs. “do less” framing of politics is so simplistic that it would get you a bad grade in a high school civics class. the actual question is, when Democrats do something, what are they doing and why are they doing it. is the thing they are doing good or bad.

      • @PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
        11 month ago

        You said the Democrats have no principles, in terms of how they campaign. I said, more or less, that that’s true. But also, in terms of Biden specifically, he actually does seem to have a lot of principles in terms of what he did in office. With Gaza as one glaring and war-criminal exception.

        I have no idea where you got this idea that I look at “more stuff” and “less stuff” as the two options or why you talked down to me so extensively about the idea that that’s how I look at it. Clearly, hopefully, we both want more good stuff and less bad stuff, and it’s just a matter of talking about what stuff was good and what stuff was bad.

        I think it’s interesting but maybe not surprising that you totally ignored my pretty detailed arguments about income and climate policy, and just kept talking to me as if I hadn’t made them. Feel free to read them, they’re pretty interesting, whether or not you feel like addressing them on any level with me specifically.

        • I think it’s interesting but maybe not surprising that you totally ignored my pretty detailed arguments about income and climate policy

          the topic of this thread is the genocide in Gaza, Biden’s complicity in it, and the response to that from Democratic voters.

          as is typical of Biden apologists, you’ve tried to minimize it, and deflect from it, by bringing up non-sequiturs.

          I haven’t taken the bait, and tried to avoid letting the thread about genocide get derailed into a thread about section 403b1 of the Inflation Reduction Act or whatever.

          and yeah, I’m sure that’s very disappointing. my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

          maybe you’ll get the response you’re looking for if you started a thread for “let’s talk about all the amazing things in Biden’s four years that didn’t involve children having limbs amputated without anesthesia”

          But also, in terms of Biden specifically, he actually does seem to have a lot of principles in terms of what he did in office. With Gaza as one glaring and war-criminal exception.

          yeah, Biden was an amazing president, if you ignore the genocide that he supported.

          Mussolini made the trains run on time. Hitler boosted the German economy by acquiring more farmland. Slobodan Milošević probably had some ideas about progressive tax policy or something.

          genocide denial isn’t just “I deny that genocide is happening”. it’s more pernicious than that. it can also take the form of aggressively changing the subject. mention that 6 million Jewish people died in the Holocaust, and some Holocaust deniers will dispute that directly, but others of them will jangle “lots of other people died too” keys in front of your face as an attempted distraction.

          I have a pro-Israel friend, when I talked to him about how Palestinians in the West Bank are forbidden from collecting rain water he didn’t deny it, he just changed the subject to talk about the incredible advances that Israeli scientists have made in water-efficient irrigation techniques.

          I’d urge you to consider that your comments have the effect of this sort of “soft” genocide denial, most likely without you intending it at all.

          • @PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
            21 month ago

            the topic of this thread is the genocide in Gaza


            Biden’s complicity in it

            and the response to that from Democratic voters.

            Not really. Or, I mean, I know you brought those things into it, but the main topic of the thread was the “uncommitted” voters and whether or not they made a mistake.

            Then, you brought other arguments into it, including “Democrats have no principles”, abortion, immigration, Lina Khan, and Black Mirror. I responded to the new arguments you brought up and you became unhappy, suddenly, that we weren’t talking about Gaza anymore, and refused to respond to my response to what you said.

            genocide denial isn’t just “I deny that genocide is happening”. it’s more pernicious than that. it can also take the form of aggressively changing the subject.

            I responded directly about Biden and Trump vis-a-vis genocide, when we were talking about genocide. Trump is infinitely worse, vis-a-vis genocide. Someone who cares about genocide and doesn’t want to change the subject should be panicked about the prospect of Trump winning, even if the alternative is a Democrat. That is precisely the topic of this comments thread, before you changed the subject, aggressively, to “Democrats.”

            I do generally agree with your “perniciousness” argument. In particular, something like saying “Trump’s illegal calls for ethnic cleansing are horrific, but” should be a screaming red flag that the sentence needs to stop before the “but” comes in. Or maybe be finished up with “so it would obviously be a crisis if he gained power, so we should stop that.”