Hi all,

Working through some things like a Will (I am fine, just normal life planning), and debating on methods for digital management when I do die.

I run a lot of self-hosted services for family and friends, all on secured servers with ZFS and on/off site backups. Key ingredient is Vaultwarden for password management.

I’d like to put something in place so that encryption keys, some docs, and key passwords are released to a tech savvy friend. Anyone know of existing solutions for this?

Requirements of:

  • Not providing keys to a third-party beforehand
  • Not forgeable to open
  • If possible, no “weekly press a button”

I’m thinking some kind of key pair where my friend has the private key and the public key is provided to a family member, and when activated a timer starts where I could cancel the release.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      This was gonna be my suggestion too.

      Add secure notes to your vault detailing your setup and what do do with it when you’re gone. Then create an account for whoever you want to pass things on to, designate it as a trusted emergency contact and teach them how to access it.

      Details: https://bitwarden.com/help/emergency-access/