• @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      Just to answer the question, tonight I was with a hard rock band. We did our thing then got hammered again.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        Nice! I’m going to guess you are a drummer. Second guess is bassist. I want to go to some good local shows, but I’ve been out of the scene so long I don’t know what places are best anymore. Any recommendations?

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          I like The Farm and BFE, but those are two completely different vibes. I miss Acadia so much. That was my favorite place to be but they closed down last year.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            So is shit in town just crap? I honestly wouldn’t be surprised, but I was hoping there might be something closer in.

            Both of those look pretty awesome, though. Thanks for the recommendations.

            • @[email protected]
              21 month ago

              There are some cool places closer in but I try to avoid heading that way. We played White Oak Music Hall recently and it’s pretty neat. Fitzgerald’s closed a few years back and that place was amazing. On the other side of town is House of Blues which is always a good time.

              • @[email protected]
                230 days ago

                Fitzgeralds was my place in the 90s. Motherfuckers paved “paradise” and put up a parking lot. It enrages me every time I see it. My friends used to play downstairs at Fitz all the time back then. Looking for that vibe: clearly I’m not a teenager anymore, but I love a good dive and a good show. Doesn’t really matter the genre as long as the musicians are good and know how to put on a show. Austin was also great for this, emos and hole in the wall were great, and taco land in SA was amazing until it wasn’t.

                I mean, is there anything like that in town?? Or do I need to go out to spring because that’s where people can afford to have a good time? It would not surprise me and I’d be happy to even if that’s quite a drive for me. I’m just kind of lost because I’m trying to get back to what I love, but I’ve been so isolated I don’t know anything anymore.

                I mean, I know numbers is still around. That’s good. But there’s got to be something else where good music is happening.

                Sorry, not meaning to dump. I really appreciate your recommendations.

                • @[email protected]
                  230 days ago

                  I get it. We played Fitzgerald’s a lot for the last few years before it closed. My buddy was sitting in the lighting booth watching the last show.

                  I don’t think there’s anything that’s going to capture that vibe anymore. BFE is cool. Numbers, for whatever reason, was never really my scene. I’ve played there but I don’t go out of my way to do it. Even The Farm isn’t really what it used to be. I wish I could remember what the name of it was before because we played there a lot too. Wildcatters out in Katy is pretty cool on the right night. Brash has the arcade. Karbach usually has something cool going on (I’ve got a friend over there right now). But none of that is like what Fitzgerald’s was back in the 00s (I was too young and hours away in the 90s, then I left for the military).

                  But you know what they say. You can never go home.

                  • @[email protected]
                    230 days ago

                    Yeah, it’s so true! I’ve gotten close on bourbon street watching an amazing mostly cover band, but I never expect to find fitz again. But there’s gotta be bands like that… Right? Or has it all been that fucked by the industry?