• @[email protected]
    -428 days ago

    If you don’t understand something in specific ask me to explain it. Summary: The WHO are a bunch of hypocrites serving big-pharma interests and feeding propaganda We have more important things to discuss than what WHO does or doesn’t when we will never be asked by WHO on our opinion or whether we choose to support those nobodies. For decades US-TV wasn’t showing alcohol ads, no effect. Since I watch no tv or US sports, I wouldn’t know they begun showing them again. During the decades I watched tv (star-trek NG, taxi, cheers, mork&mindy,SNL) there were never alcohol commercials.
    Cigarette labeled packs with horror pics and messages in EU had no effect, but socially pressuring people to quit smoking had a dramatic increase in anti-depressant medication. CIgarettes in the EU all look alike now, less than 10% of the box is left for brand/color/label etc. Nobody pays attention to what the box says.
    Italian hospitals first, then French, came out saying they had deaths with symptoms and went back to stored blood samples and were positive for SARS-cov2 … 2months before the first case in China. The Who was still saying that the evidence on where in China the virus originated were inconclusive. They are still publishing reports on covid based on data that only a handful of countries are still providing. They are the joke of the health sector. Big-Pharma must have cut their bribes down and they are seeking bribes from Alcohol companies.