Truth be told he’s not a MAGA cultist conservative. He hates Trump and has been voting Democrat for president since 2016 for example. Very Joe Manchin vibes.
Yea, gathered from his response he’s not a douche. Also want to tell you that I’m usually a lurker but the fact that he can say he loves you is way beyond most dads (at least my own with whom i have a good relationship) capacity. So I think you got whatever comes your way covered, just keep that man close and in the loop cause I think he wants to see you happy :) cheers from Romania, buddy
Not all conservatives are Trumpsters. He could never support Trump because as he puts it: what values does he embody to conserve? He’s a criminal, an adulterer, a grifter, etc. My dad’s vision of a conservative is someone who wants to preserve and uphold things like a stable, happy nuclear family unit, little government intervention in people’s lives, law and order, non-interventiolism, etc.
I understand but when you say your dad is conservative, everyone is going to assume that he’s Republican. It’s misleading. You should instead say " socially conservative."
Truth be told he’s not a MAGA cultist conservative. He hates Trump and has been voting Democrat for president since 2016 for example. Very Joe Manchin vibes.
Yea, gathered from his response he’s not a douche. Also want to tell you that I’m usually a lurker but the fact that he can say he loves you is way beyond most dads (at least my own with whom i have a good relationship) capacity. So I think you got whatever comes your way covered, just keep that man close and in the loop cause I think he wants to see you happy :) cheers from Romania, buddy
You can describe someone like this as a socially conservative democrat.
Uh … So then he’s not a conservative, is he?
Not all conservatives are Trumpsters. He could never support Trump because as he puts it: what values does he embody to conserve? He’s a criminal, an adulterer, a grifter, etc. My dad’s vision of a conservative is someone who wants to preserve and uphold things like a stable, happy nuclear family unit, little government intervention in people’s lives, law and order, non-interventiolism, etc.
I understand but when you say your dad is conservative, everyone is going to assume that he’s Republican. It’s misleading. You should instead say " socially conservative."
I think in the U.K. we would call him “small C conservative”
Wouldn’t the right wing of the Democratic party be pretty standard Tory?