Born in 1890, my great-grandfather had great-uncles who fought in the Civil War. He saw the invention of the automobile, the airplane, two world wars, and saw the Apollo 11 moon landing a month before he died.

I was born in the 80s, I have been trying to take stock of how much life has changed since then. Cable television? Satellite television? Cell phones to smartphones? The internet? Life hasn’t seemed to have made much progress. When we get down to it life isn’t radically different now than it was in 80s. Just hoping there is more that I’m simply not noticing

  • @[email protected]
    526 days ago

    As unpopular as this may be, LLMs (aka. “AI” like ChatGPT).

    I don’t think we’ve seen something that’ll change the world as much as I think it will since the Internet was introduced. It will change the way we interact with computers. For a lot of people, it already has.

    • @[email protected]
      226 days ago

      Don’t use them tꝏ often , specially not enough to know how gꝏd they truly are . But if want basic info about some thing , don’t like sifting thru pages and pages of search engine garbage . LLMs I used automate that process and consolidate the info into something fairly easy to understand

      Peops hate LLMs bcus they supposedly “turn peops brain to mush” , but … what if my brain’s ALREADY mush ? Think this’s one instance LLMs might help more than hinder , so shouldn’t be discarded entirely