• @[email protected]
    1526 days ago

    Racists see the world as zero sum.

    Privately, they believe that the Other (Mexicans, trans people, Muslims) holds the same views that they do. Some people do not mature/develop a theory of mind beyond a vague sense of tribalism.

    Because given power, they would eliminate people unlike them, they assume that the Other would do the same.

    Look into racist spirituality, ie White Identity - a common belief is something like racial “oversouls” which are naturally opposed to each other. Anything that benefits Black or Mexican folks are overt moves by those oversouls - affirmative action as a covert move to drive white men out.

    The majority of these people don’t get into it/think about it enough to engage with the “oversouls” but I think it does align with their behavior. The internet has also unfortunately gotten things like Blavatsky and Evola into to the mainstream - dollars to donuts that the DOGE boys were introduced to those names on /pol/