You know, DOGE, fascist president and corporations dictating what people can do, institutions being ruined, laws being ignored. Is there any way out of that or is it over? Is the USA done?

  • @[email protected]
    426 days ago

    True, and this is a very sad statistic. It would be great is we would actually work on mental health in this country.

    It’s 99% the guns though. The US has shitty mental health safety net, but not worse than in Eastern Europe, the murder rates (which is driven by gun violence) are much lower there. If you exclude firearm deaths it drops to similar rates to that of Europe. I personally think that increasing fines and punishment for bad gun ownership is the way to go.

    They lay the blame, and lay the groundwork, to wreck shit next time while shifting blame from themselves.

    Yup. The funniest thing is how important the national debt becomes with a democrat at the helm, but how irrelevant it is with a republican presidency.

    All of that, combined with the “perfect” storm of tRUmp, really sped it up.

    Agree, trump is a symptom not necessarily the direct cause.these all happened because of citizens united and the influx of infinite money into politics that was bound to tip the balance away from actual citizens towards corporations.

    • @[email protected]
      425 days ago

      I’d definitely be for fines and punishment for bad gun ownership. Any rational person should be. Too many times we see that a shooting happened because someone that shouldn’t have had them got them from a family member. If you have someone in your household that shouldn’t have firearms, you should remove them from the home. Not just a storage unit or something either. Police should be holding them for you until that person is either out of the house or has completed a treatment program. If you want to go hunting or something, it wouldn’t be a big deal to go check your firearm out from the station.

      • @[email protected]
        225 days ago

        I am a gun owner and there are three places for your firearms, at home, at the range, and while hunting. Restricting uses to those uses would do a world of good in reducing gun crime.