nginx (“engine x”) is an HTTP web server, reverse proxy, content cache, load balancer, TCP/UDP proxy server, and mail proxy server. […] [1]

I still pronounce it as “n-jinx” in my head.

  1. Title (website): “nginx”. Publisher: NGINX. Accessed: 2025-02-26T23:25Z. URI:
    • §“nginx”. ¶1.
  • @[email protected]
    4818 days ago

    I laughed out loud when I first learned that imgur is supposed to be pronounced as "imager’… well you fuckin chose the wrong combination of letters for that didn’t ya

    • @[email protected]
      918 days ago

      1000% I say gif too, like gift. If you wanted it pronounced like “jiff” then you should have spelled it with a J.

      • @[email protected]
        17 days ago

        I flew from Jermany to Tanzania and saw some jeriatric jiraffes.

        I say it “Jif” because:

        • That’s what the format’s creator named it.
        • It’s weird, but “soft G” is a thing and acronyms and the only “rule” for pronouncing acronyms is “it’s easy to say”.
        • It annoys people that are way too invested in it. Sure, it’s immature – but it’s low stakes and not particularly “shitty”. I enjoy it and you only YOLO once.
      • @[email protected]
        217 days ago

        jif was copyrighted. gif was literally named after the peanut butter. it came with a jingle “choosy developers choose gif”. How many different forms of proof do you need.

    • @[email protected]
      418 days ago

      Am I missing something? I’ve always pronounced it “imager”. How else would you pronounce it?

      • @[email protected]
        918 days ago

        as it’s spelled: im gur.

        It’s one thing to name it imgr, but putting a fucking u after the g makes it a hard g in literally every instance. the letter u is the reason the g is pronounced as a hard g in words that otherwise wouldn’t need a u: fragile / guile, digest / guest, etc.

        • @[email protected]
          217 days ago

          it’s spelled img - ur, as in img or the shortening of image in every context. You can’t shorten image any other way.

          • @[email protected]
            017 days ago

            it’s spelled img - ur

            no, it’s spelled imgur. I know what img stands for which is why I said it would be one thing to call it imgr. the u doesn’t make sense and it hardens the g. it’s funny that you talk about how it’s customary that img stands for image but you act like ‘ur’ is also a thing by itself.

            well it is, just not in that way. if your img-ur breakup made any sense for pronouncing img as if it’s independent then why not consider what ur stands for? it’s a shortening of your or you’re. so why not pronounce it image your? because it’s bullshit and the spelling is ridiculous.