This has been evident for anyone following the gaming industry, but now Phil Spencer basically admits it. Good for them, actually.

  • @[email protected]
    121 days ago

    They surrendered when they thought day one console buyers and people who liked gimmicky dance game peripherals were one and the same, and never really caught back up.

    Since then they’ve been pushing Game Pass hard, but that mythical era where you’d just need a TV, internet and a gamepad just never arrived for them. Streaming games is probably fine for a lot of casual gamers, but the casual gamers are already on mobile and tend to spend very little on games. Far too little for Game Pass Ultimate to make sense for them.

    And I’m really unconvinced that day one Game Pass games are sustainable. Even with their piss-poor output over the last few years.

    I also don’t like that games are no longer going down much in price over time. It seems everyone is far too happy to leave things at launch price to make subscriptions and crap sales seem like better value.