Why aren’t “alternate syntaxes” a thing? You can pretty easily just write code to convert between C-like and Python-like syntax. Why aren’t there IDE extensions that let you write in python syntax and automatically commit the standard syntax.
That was exactly what the .NET family of languages was back in the day. Still is, I guess? You could write in VB, C#, or F#, make use of the same standard library and general principles, but then it would all get compiled to the same IL code in the end.
Transpilers are actually pretty popular in js land, Typescript is a good example. You can even transpile a really different syntax if you wanted to. For example, I use squint which lets me write Clojure syntax and produces js as output.
Why aren’t “alternate syntaxes” a thing? You can pretty easily just write code to convert between C-like and Python-like syntax. Why aren’t there IDE extensions that let you write in python syntax and automatically commit the standard syntax.
That was exactly what the .NET family of languages was back in the day. Still is, I guess? You could write in VB, C#, or F#, make use of the same standard library and general principles, but then it would all get compiled to the same IL code in the end.
Transpilers are actually pretty popular in js land, Typescript is a good example. You can even transpile a really different syntax if you wanted to. For example, I use squint which lets me write Clojure syntax and produces js as output.