• hendrik
    21 days ago

    That’s not what the catholic church taught to me. I believe they said something like that the new covenant means we get a new relationship with god. But it doesn’t invalidate the old one. It’s more or less civil laws and ceremonial laws that don’t apply anymore while the deeper morals shouldn’t really contradict each other. And the history and stories stay relevant. (And they made us learn a good amount of them, like what the Samaritan tribe did and a few others, the main story arcs with Moses, Abraham, the flooding and Noah, Lot…) I mean we wouldn’t even be able to tell how the world came into existence without relying solely on the Old Testament.

    • bluGill
      220 days ago

      I grossly oversimplified things (I was typing on a phone). If everyone understands the above as a gross over simplification Christians will generally agree it is close enough to their truth. Meanwhile if we get into the more complex version that whichever Christian sect believes we discover this is no agreement.

      • hendrik
        120 days ago

        Yeah, I mean you’re probably right. And it’s a super complicated topic anyway like all theology 😅