is that harmful for my future job opportunities?? what if a company wants to see my iq and they see 86? am i not able to do a lot of things?? i mean i like linux, i’ve programmed websites and stuff so i thought i had 130 or 120 iq!!! but oh well, what will happen?? now that i know my iq?? thank you!!

    • Em Adespoton
      818 days ago

      Sure… the trick to scoring high is being familiar with the type of test and what they’re looking for. Solve some puzzles on the mensa website and take a few different online IQ tests, and THEN do one of the official tests, and you’ll be more likely to know at a glance if one of your answers fits what they think it should be or not.

      But for the most part, unless you’re intentionally trying to understand a learning or thinking issue you have (with the assistance of a professional psychologist), or just find them fun, there’s no reason to take them.