• @[email protected]
    179 days ago

    This reminds me of way back when i beat a virus with task manager.

    This one was showing as a process in task manager. If you killed it, it would just reappear moments later. I even tried finding the folder it was installing on my pc via rightclick on the program in task manager and clicking “open file location” closing the program and deleting its install folder. But it would still come back, installed somewhere else.

    After some time messing around, i noticed that another program would show in the task manager, then the virus would appear, and then the other program would close and disappear from the task manager. All within about 1 or 2 seconds

    So i killed the task, waited for the other program to appear right click it fast, open file location, and there it was, a different folder with a program that auto runs when the virus is removed to reinstall the virus and close itself to avoid detection.

    I deleted that folder and then killed the virus program in the task manager, and it didn’t reappear. I had won!

    I seem to recall it was resistent to virus scanners for this reason.

    But this was about 20 years ago so i doubt there are viruses that unsophisticated now.

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      I had something similar. I was looking at my processes one day for some reason, when I noticed CuteFTP. Now, I knew what it was, but I knew for a fact that I hadn’t installed it. Some investigation led to a hidden folder containing some scripts. One of them was for remote control via an IRC channel. So I hopped in the channel and had a chat with the user who was set to admin the bot on my computer.

      Edit: Formatting.

    • @[email protected]
      38 days ago

      Yeah around the same time as those fbi ones there were ones like that but they generated new ones with randomized names trying to hide. I think