Assume that this is not a wannabee, but someone who, for example, already has a solid job offer from an EU country, and some cash for the relocation.

  • @[email protected]
    11 days ago

    You have 90 days visa free to be in the schengen area(most of EU).

    It may be better to apply for your Visa in host country rather than through a US consulate. It’s often much faster, and there’s no third party which imo is safer.

    *It’s a one-way trip for your pets. At least last i looked into it the US doesn’t allow you to import house pets. So changing your mind will mean losing your pet. Speaking of bringing pets, that process is insane.

    You WILL get homesick no matter how awful you feel about the US, it will take at least a year to go away.

    The anxieties you bring with you from living in the US will take years to resolve.

    You’ll need to get good at saying where you come from by referencing either New York City or LA.


    Divers license discerns between automatic and manual transmission, trailer weights, and motorcycle displacement. There’s probably not a direct exchange so you’ll need to research for your discussing country. Your US license may be valid for a limited period after establishing residence.

    use your turn signals at roundabouts. Yes, if you’re exiting left, signal left, if you’re exiting right, signal right. Always signal right when you exit. (Opposite for left hand driving) Optional if you’re diving a BMW.

    Priority roads are a thing and right of may be different.

    Right-turn on red may not be legal.

    *Edit: the pets restriction may have been a covid era thing. Corrections

    • @[email protected]
      512 days ago

      Divers license discerns between automatic and manual transmission, trailer weights, and motorcycle displacement

      I think depth is also an important factor. And remember, don’t drink and dive!

    • @[email protected]
      513 days ago

      I brought 3 cats to the USA from Thailand, with little problem. There was a bunch of tests and paperwork, but compared to human visa and such, it was easy. Idk where you got the idea that it’s not legal to bring pets…?

    • @[email protected]
      413 days ago

      Tell me more about the roundabouts and exiting. Are there left exits from a roundabout? Don’t they all circulate anticlockwise (when viewed from above)?

      There’s a new roundabout in my town and nobody knows how to signal. I see people enter with left signal flashing and then they’ll take the 3rd exit (out of 4 total). I’ve always entered without a signal, then exit right with a signal.

      Also, I’ve seen many people go around backwards. That’s a fun surprise.

      • I see people enter with left signal flashing and then they’ll take the 3rd exit (out of 4 total).

        Pretty sure that’s how you’re supposed to signal. In most places it’s not a legal requirement but it is recommended and taught by most driving instructors.

        Although I do assume they switch to their right signal before taking their exit. If they don’t, then yeah that’s wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          212 days ago

          I didn’t describe it correctly. I see people approaching the roundabout with their left signal on, leave it on until they take the 3rd exit. I’ll also see approaching with their eight signal on and take the 1st exit. The intersection used to be a standard perpendicular intersection with traffic lights.

          It sounds as if you’re saying to signal left on approach indicating a merge, then signal right to indicate an exit from the circle. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen that in action.

          • @[email protected]
            12 days ago

            Yep. Left signal when entering then right signal when going to the 3rd exit. The left signal means you’re planning to continue in the roundabout which would be wrong if you’re exiting.

            Car position is also a thing. Move to the right side on exit to block traffic behind.

            Also on entry: left side of lane turning left, center for straight, right for right.

            Idk what the rules are in the US for roundabouts. From what i recall there really aren’t any you’re just expected to use them without training and not crash.

            Edit: not sure i would necessarily apply these in the US. You need to drive extremely defensively because someone WILL misinterpret your signal cause they don’t know what’s happening either.

      • @[email protected]
        11 days ago

        The US is on the exemption list in your linked article. I have corrected the time period, thanks!