• Miles O'Brien
    808 days ago

    I’ve had so many conversations come to a grinding halt while doing RC stuff, because I realize the person is not only veering the conversation to intentionally toward certain topics, they’re expressing right-wing opinions or shoving religion in my face. I’ve left RC events because they opened with a prayer, or because I’ve seen too many red hats in the crowd.

    I’m sure it’s also because of the state I live in, but it’s a little disheartening to see so many people in my hobby who would gladly stone me to death in the street once the government allows it.

    Also weirdly mountain biking has me fucking confused. So many magats on my trails, and it was my impression that cycling in general wasn’t as popular amongst the “anti-woke” crowd. Along with other things they view as a threat to their big metal death boxes that run on dead Dino and plant juices.

    Lastly, blacksmithing. I do mostly bladesmithing, but like to try all aspects of it. This hobby is rampant with right-wing nut jobs and I’ve stopped watching MANY content creators over the years because they started making personal vlog style videos when Biden got elected bitching about how awful and hard it is to be a straight white male in America.

    also target shooting but that’s a hot topic no matter which way you look, but here’s a reminder that armed minorities are harder to oppress

    never partake of inebriating substances no matter what type while handling a firearm in any capacity. I’ve seen too many people at an outdoor range with a beer can beside them. This should get you banned from the premesis.

    • @[email protected]
      37 days ago

      I’m a road biker who occasionally dabbles in gravel and mountain biking.

      I think the right wing hatred of cyclists comes down to two primary things:

      1. They have road rage over being behind bikes on the road, so they “hate cyclists.”

      2. They equate lycra/spandex as being feminine or at least “non masculine” if not outright “gay.”

      They are usually cool with mountain bikers because they aren’t “in their way” on the road, and usually are wearing baggy “manly” clothing.

      • Miles O'Brien
        27 days ago

        Ah, insecurity and overcompensation, what would we do without you…

        Fellas, is it gay to be comfortable while cycling? My wife will be devastated.

        • @[email protected]
          27 days ago

          For real. Riding in 100F temps in anything but lycra is out of the question for me. The only time I don’t wear my cycling clothes on a bike is when I am pulling my kid in the trailer and we will be stopping at all the playgrounds.

    • @[email protected]
      528 days ago

      Alcohol at a range? Id never go back. Stone cold sober people are stupid enough handling weapons.

      • Miles O'Brien
        168 days ago

        I don’t go back, and I have no more outdoor ranges to go to that aren’t too far away.

        I used to go to a childhood friends house but after I moved we kinda drifted apart so it’s weird to ask to use their backyard range.

        I would love to have the property to put in at least a 100m lane and a large back stop to stop ricochets and the like. Then I don’t have to go somewhere people will whinge when I shoot more than twice a minute, and I’m not at risk of an ND coming my way.

        • @[email protected]
          78 days ago


          North Dakota?

          In my area (Utah), BLM land is everywhere, and there’s plenty of unused state land an hour or so away. So we can just drive a bit and a flattish area with a natural backstop, and set up some comes or something so people can see the range.

          Is that not an option in your area?

          • Miles O'Brien
            108 days ago


            As deegeese said, Negligent Discharge.

            My bad, I tend to think people have more knowledge of obscure things than is normal, I guess.

            And I’m in Ohio, so while I technically could find some bit of land to shoot on, there’s forests, fields, and cities. Anything in between is private property.

            I’m exaggerating a bit, but that’s more or less how it feels.

            • @[email protected]
              28 days ago

              Thanks. :) I’m not too familiar with the legal terms here. Everyone is pretty gun-positive (we have Constitutional carry here), so the chance that anyone would call the cops is pretty low if you’re outside city limits, and the chance the cops would do anything is pretty low.

        • @[email protected]
          18 days ago

          Just be like my neighbor, his backdrop is a state park with hiking trails. He got his guns taken years ago when he flipped out and had a domestic incident but he got em back. Murica! Fuck yeah !

      • @[email protected]
        68 days ago

        Was visiting some family in central Illinois and went to a range where they allow drinks. They were quite proud of it.

        • Miles O'Brien
          48 days ago

          That’s crazy to me. Why would anyone want to be consuming alcohol while shooting?

          I know how I am when I smoke, and there’s no chance I’d trust handling a firearm. Not because I’m violent or anything when bake (lol who is) but because my reasoning and decision making skills are impaired, maybe I mistake something for something else in a tense moment and something bad happens. Nope. Safe stays locked, and the door to their room gets locked and the key given to someone responsible, or put in the coffee tin. (I don’t like coffee and baked me steers clear of it, so I figure it’s better to be in there behind several obstructions)

          • @[email protected]
            38 days ago

            Alcohol makes your aim more steady (in small to smoderate amounts.) It’s considered a PED in shooting competitions.

            • Miles O'Brien
              28 days ago

              I believe it. The first hit of my thc pen makes my hands stop shaking, any relaxant is bound to make your aim steadier in just the right amount.

              Still won’t ever see me shooting when alcohol is present.

        • @[email protected]
          18 days ago

          I can only imagine how much shit would hit the fan if their insurance company heard about that lol.

    • Lv_InSaNe_vL
      178 days ago

      so many magats on my trails

      Does this really surprise you? “Country folks” are much more likely to be regularly out in nature, more likely to be into fishing/hunting/camping, and more likely to run Conservative than the more Liberal urban folks.

      At least in my experience. Which is something that has me super confused about the national parks thing, cause conservative people routinely poll higher for usage of public lands. But then again I guess it shouldn’t surprise me to see them shocked when they invite the leopard into their house.

    • @[email protected]
      128 days ago

      I have a Peloton at home and at the rare cases when I open the leader board, I am surprised how many people have some MAGA or Trump related tags. Ah well, even the OG Nazis were all about fitness.

    • jackeryjoo
      118 days ago

      Also weirdly mountain biking has me fucking confused. So many magats on my trails, and it was my impression that cycling in general wasn’t as popular amongst the “anti-woke” crowd.

      (MX Enduro and Mtn biker of many years here and I’ve observed the same thing)

      It has nothing to do with liking/disliking bikes and everything to do with the toxic masculinity culture of “conquering” a hill, or trail, or just in general being more in the “bro” culture that does tend to attract more magats than other hobbies I’ve picked up.

      There’s a nontrivial number of mtn bikers that are in the maga crowd, and the only link I can find is that this tends to attract a lot of people similar to the Andrew Tates of the world.

    • @[email protected]
      88 days ago

      Yeah, it’s really annoying being involved in target shooting when everyone thinks you’re a MAGAt as well

      • Miles O'Brien
        98 days ago

        I really do, and I would love to move to a different country.

        However, I have no college degree, and no work experience beyond retail/food/3rd-party-labor, and about $200 to my name. Maybe $3000 if I sold all my big stuff, including vehicle.

        So the chances of me moving without being a political refugee are low, sadly.

    • @[email protected]
      57 days ago

      I’m going to decide RC is Roman Catholic.

      I’ve left [Roman Catholic] events because they opened with a prayer

    • @[email protected]
      48 days ago

      I think there are just more of them these days. Young men are an especially growing segment of Trump supporters. And the ones that used to hide themselves are open about it more and more every time Trump wins.

      I see them in woodworking, pottery, gaming, hiking. And I live in a blue city in a blue state. I think we just have to accept that most Americans support conservative ideals.

      • @[email protected]
        58 days ago

        That’s maybe partly true, but pretty much everyone I’ve talked to in my very conservative area (Utah) doesn’t like Trump. In fact, I saw more Ukraine flags in the first year of the war than Trump flags.

        I’m no progressive (consider myself libertarian), though I probably align with the OP in all the ways they seem to care about. I want more legal immigration (my SO immigrated), more acceptance of LGBT people, less pollution, more separation of church and state (happen to be deeply religious too), etc. My main difference is that I don’t believe those goals justify using government to restrict rights to effect cultural and social change.

        So just be careful about how you tune your Nazi filter. I strongly oppose Trump, but I may get caught in the filter depending on the question.