i still think you’re assuming what my actual, real-life views are from a silly what-if scenario! i am never gonna be in control of anything more powerful than a barbeque.
but if somehow i got to mind control the president or something, yes, i’d take advantage of that brief control to eliminate as many capitalists as possible
You can’t just kill Socialism into existence, though. That’s Idealism, not Materialism. That removes the entire process of Historical Materialism, and erases the foundations of Scientific Socialism, as opposed to Utopianism. I recommend reading or revisiting Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.
That you yourself used a word I was banned for using, because apparently it’s so insulting it shouldn’t ever be used. And you will twist the truth in knots to defend the fact that I was punished just for using the word tankie. Oops. There I go again. But I guess its okay to use again since you’re doing it.
i still think you’re assuming what my actual, real-life views are from a silly what-if scenario! i am never gonna be in control of anything more powerful than a barbeque.
but if somehow i got to mind control the president or something, yes, i’d take advantage of that brief control to eliminate as many capitalists as possible
You can’t just kill Socialism into existence, though. That’s Idealism, not Materialism. That removes the entire process of Historical Materialism, and erases the foundations of Scientific Socialism, as opposed to Utopianism. I recommend reading or revisiting Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.
i wouldn’t be trying to will socialism into existence, though, i’d just be having a little fun :3
That’s “tankier” than the “tankies” you demonize, though. Kinda just confused here.
Ban this person for using a naughty word
You got temp-banned from a different comm for breaking the rules, I don’t think picking fights is a good usage of your time to be honest.
Just pointing out your hypocrisy.
How so?
That you yourself used a word I was banned for using, because apparently it’s so insulting it shouldn’t ever be used. And you will twist the truth in knots to defend the fact that I was punished just for using the word tankie. Oops. There I go again. But I guess its okay to use again since you’re doing it.
You understand the difference between actually using a word and referring to said word’s past usage by others, right?
Hypocrisy? Yes I understand it very well.