Reports of a major outage at Spotify spread like wildfire last week. Then a curious picture began to emerge, one of outages only affecting those using modified Spotify apps designed to provide the Premium service at the free tier price. News that the problem has now been fixed and those in need can download new pirate apps, means that many are rushing to do so. Whether that will end well seems to hang in the balance. Could go this way, or could go that.
Haven’t Spotify mods already been clamped down in one way or the other(in terms of having a trimmed down feature set)? I used to follow Balatan’s mod from Mobilism and last I saw, Atleast some stuff was server sided.
Either case, mods can only go so far. I only used Spotify Premium once for a short while before returning back to YT Music and one of the things I liked was third party clients on desktop. ncspot is a terminal based client for Spotify that rakes in one tenth of memory requirements but sadly requires Premium and I don’t think there is any way to bypass that as of now. (though of course, most users won’t even care about such a niche client)
But if someone is serious about music, then Soulseek is the way to go. It has most genres of music, usually in flac and locally stored music is any day superior to cloud.
I used the modded apk and what I miss the most is the ‘Discover Weekly’ feature that would create a new playlist for you every Monday based on what you’ve been listening to. That was a great way to find new artists, I used to listen through it multiple times each week and some songs that I didn’t initially vibe with had the chance to grow on me.
You’re not losing out. I paid for premium for the last 8 years. In the last 2 years discover weekly turned into junk. The music in it didn’t match what i was listening to.
I cancelled it during the last price increase.
How do you think files get onto Soulseek?
and search is crippled