Yeah, I know how http status codes work. I just followed the existing pattern at my current place with gRPC and this post made me realize I don’t know most gRPC error codes and best practices.
gRPC does not use HTTP status codes. I meant that I might be making a similar mistake with gRPC status codes though, after checking just now, not so much (there are only 17 total codes, not all of which apply to my APIs).
Yeah, I know how http status codes work. I just followed the existing pattern at my current place with gRPC and this post made me realize I don’t know most gRPC error codes and best practices.
The way you phrased it made it sound like you definitely don’t
gRPC does not use HTTP status codes. I meant that I might be making a similar mistake with gRPC status codes though, after checking just now, not so much (there are only 17 total codes, not all of which apply to my APIs).