Was digging through a project at work today where some guy in 2014 made 100+ commits in a single day and the only one that had a comment said “upgrading to v4.0”.

    • fmstrat
      12 years ago

      I use alias gl='git log --graph --abbrev-commit --no-decorate --date=format:'\''%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\'' --format=format:'\''%C(8)%>|(16)%h %C(7)%ad %C(8)%<(16,trunc)%an %C(auto)%d %>|(1)%s'\'' --all' It will change your world.

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        That is sexy. My only problem is that I tend to run my Git operations in a pretty small tmux pane on the side of my editing pane, so that layout ends up being too wide to fit well. I’ll definitely keep that alias around for when I have a full screen though!

        • fmstrat
          12 years ago

          Haha yea I have written a number of git and docker aliases over the years that are permanently in my dotfiles. I’m always in screen but perhaps will get into this newfangled tmux.