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If you thought that was “so many words” reality is too complicated for you.
“The Government of the People’s Republic of China is a unitary Marxist–Leninist one-party authoritarian political system under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”
I look forward to you correcting that wiki page lol
The fact that you use a wiki page as an authoritative source just further exposes what an utter clown you are. Let’s correct that for you:
The people who actually live in China consider their democracy to work far better than pretty much any western shithole country that calls itself a democracy and have consistently higher satisfaction with their government because unlike in the west they see it working in their interest.
Thinking that the number of parties is a measure of democracy demonstrates an infantile understanding of the concept. Democracy is a government that works in the interest of the majority and is held accountable by the majority. Procedural democracies such as seen in the west demonstrably produce terrible results in practice. As a recent study of US shows, the system does not actually work in a democratic fashion
Since your cognitive development stops at reading wiki articles here’s another one you should read
Sounds like a great edit for the wiki! Can’t wait to see your updates!
Today I learned that there are people out there who so imbecilic that they treat wikipedia as some oracle of truth.
So if I said “fuck the CCP” in China that’d be ok right?
Yes, it’s legal to be an idiot in China.
I know. I’ve been there enough to meet plenty. Not really unique to China tho
Here. I’ll help: What are the other political parties in China?
Here you go ignoramus
I dunno man “these parties must accept the “leading role” of the CCP as a condition of their continued existence.”
Sounds like authoritarian with extra steps. But anyways. Fuck the CCP. They are a threat to me and mine so… Yea. Fuck em hard
“eight minor political parties subservient to the CCP”
Subservient to the CCP eh… So only one party
Common Yog… Send me another rant haha
did you really just quote wikipedia and think it won you the argument hahaha