Hard work includes:

  • Scratching our furniture
  • Meowing loudly to go outside to his cat cage
  • Meowing loudly to come inside from his cat cage
  • Meowing loudly at the dogs
  • Napping (different to sleeping)
  • Scratching the furniture some more
  • resketreke
    22 years ago

    If you take a look at posts that have 1 or 2 downvotes, there’s a big chance you’ll find the same account that downvoted this. An account that has no comments, no posts, no reputation, it seems to exist solely for the purpose of downvoting.

    • InLikeClint
      02 years ago

      That’s ri-goddamn-diculous. Fuckin’ look at that furry ginger kitty! Some people just want to watch the world burn I guess.