[REPOST] Years ago, I was the CTO of a software company that was perhaps the worst run company I’ve ever seen. It was run by a “chairman” who used to be a flight engineer, and who had no experience at all in the software industry. One day, in his expansive wisdom, Mr. Chairman decided that we were going to give his friend (a local pastor) an office. I was ordered by Mr. Chairman to make it impossible for anybody (“Even you!!!”) to access any of Mr. Pastor’s files (because, y’know, privacy and stuff). I attempted to point out a couple of problems with that scenario, but was immediately shut down and ordered to do what I was told.

Now, this particular person had… well, let’s call it a quirk. When anything went wrong with his computer, his solution was to format his C: drive. (Yeah, I know…) The inevitable happened, and Mr. Chairman ordered me to restore all of Mr. Pastor’s files from the backup (which we normally did… ahem… religiously). I looked at him innocently and said “What backup?” It took possibly five seconds for steam to begin pouring from his ears, and for him to start screaming, “YOU MEAN YOU DIDN’T DO A BACKUP??? WHY YOU…!!!” and so on. I waited for him to finish, and then asked him politely how he proposed that I do a backup of files that I’m not allowed to have any access to? The silence that followed was glorious.

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    Perhaps, although a pastor is likely to have legitimate confidential information about parishioners.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      Nah, where I work (and where we all work, teally) we have legitimate confidential information about our customers… that the appropriate employees can access appropriately. That’s not an abnormal use case.

      Definitely has something to hide, especially if he’s formatting his computer every time he has a “problem”. Not that data can’t be recovered after a format anyway.