Tier                          Original Pricing.       New Pricing
PS Plus Essential	£49.99 / $59.99	£59.99 / $79.99
PS Plus Extra	        £83.99 / $99.99	£99.99 / $134.99
PS Plus Premium	£99.99 / $119.99	£119.99 / $159.99

33+% is quite a hike, considering that Sony doesn’t offer PS+ Day 1 Launches, unlike Xbox. I hope they start offering their games day one, else people will start to unsubscribe.

It’s a bummer, since I like PS+ Extra a lot (don’t get PS+ Premium, it’s not worth it)

Also very scummy of them to hide their pricing update behind the Sept PS+ monthly games blogpost

  • Computerchairgeneral
    132 years ago

    Well, that’s another reason to consider completely switching over to gaming on PC. The free games are nice, but the quality always varies month to month and I really have to wonder if it’s worth it to stay subscribed.