Baldur’s Gate 3 is currently taking up all the storage space I would give to Bethesda’s sci-fi RPG.

  • ono
    2 years ago

    Texture block compression exists, and some of the available algorithms have fairly little impact on rendered visuals.

    As you noted, asset scaling also exists in various forms, from mip mapping to audio codecs to alternate asset packs. Imagery intended for 4k and 8k displays is wasteful for people gaming in 1080p, let alone 720p.

    The techniques required to cut down on bloat are well known. Some games just aren’t using them, or aren’t using them effectively. There’s definitely room for improvement here.

    • MentalEdge
      2 years ago


      But I did want to make the point that there aren’t as many corners to cut as some might think.

      And while lossless compression of course exists, better compression is usually also a processing trade-off. You can user more storage and less processing, or use more processing, and less storage.

      Compression is not a magic tool that reduces file size for free, its doing math to store some given data using less bits, which then has to be done in reverse to get at the original data.