If you work alone did you ever think about working together with others and if so why aren’t you doing so now?
I once found someone interested in starting a project together but he lost interest within a week.
This happened to me the one time I tried to find a team for a jam lol, you’re not alone.
Everyone(Who is not a professional game dev yet) has their own projects because they feel more control and freedom working on their own project. As a result we all have 30 unfinished projects and that’s it.
Well said. I think it’s also hard to find people (or even one person) that has a similar skill level as you and is someone who you can work well with. Like, I am absolutely open to working with someone but I’d want them to be similarly skilled (or unskilled however you want to look at it) as me and I want to like them as a person as well. Otherwise it’ll feel too much like work.
It’s been a bit, but when doing game jams I shuffled working alone and working as a team. It seems duos are the best options for me, but solo is okay. It’s just solo I get a little bit bogged down into doing the art and making it look nice instead of letting things be ugly first. If I’m working with an artist, things seem to go smoother because I can work on programming. 3 - 4 people on a very small game is too much, but obviously this is just jams and not something larger.
Duo does seem like the perfect way to go. Just gotta find someone who wants to duo with me now 😢
If you find a jam (there’s a fedi jam somewhere) you can always make a looking from group post! I think, not sure about this community exactly.