Worked great when the artist formerly known as Prince changed his name to a symbol.
How about we just stop mentioning it at all?
Removed by mod
Love it! Does that meant tweets are now xcretions?
So…treat it like your…ex?
This, I’m so sick of “I want to hurt something… so I’m going to continually talk about it”.
It’s the worst in games, because all it does is get more people to talk/know/hear about a game. Cyberpunk 2077 was a bad launch, instead of just harping on that, I wish every post was “Instead of Cyberpunk 2077, I’m playing X game and it’s amazing” Get people interested in something else… and in general stop talking about this shit.
Lemmy users trying to not talk about Twatter or Reddit
Yep, this is exactly the kind of worthless post that started making reddit unbearable years ago.
Can we please not immediately ruin this new platform with this shit so soon?
Well, you can block me if you are so upset by the quality of my statements…
Why bring up R?
Why are so many posts here bitching/commenting about other sites?
So many posts here sound like someone after a breakup trying to prove to the word just how over their ex they are…but refuse to talk about anything else.
I was talking about OP.
In particular, it’s low effort, attempting to be funny/snarky about about a pop culture or political news item, usually stolen from somewhere else and posted to the wrong community (why is this on asklemmy?), but it gets attention because it panders to the majority of the user base.
This is a better explanation and should be with your original complaint. It really fleshes it out.
My bad. I’ll delete.
Considering we still constantly talk about reddit… no it’s already been ruined.
Nah, I’m just going to keep calling it Shitshow
Nah. Prince changed his name to stick it to the record label that was fucking him over. That was his livelihood at stake.
No one needs Twitter. I don’t even have an account.
And Prince was so good we would listen to his new stuff no matter what he called himself.
Saw someone on lemmy calling it ‘Ten’, thought that was quite funny.
But ten also sounds kind of cool, we should build our own ten, with blackjack
And hookers?
I prefer “the ex social media platform”
I like calling it “ten”. I don’t think Musk would like it, so that is what I will call it.
I just call it the “I stopped caring about that site a long time ago” site.
I’m still calling it Twitter. Always will.
Yep. That website is Twitter and that rapper is Kanye West. I refuse to kowtow to the whims of the ultra-wealthy.
Kanye goes by something else? You know what, I still don’t care. Nevermind.
Hahah yeah Kanye West wants us to call him “Ye”.
Is that pronounced “yay” or “yee”?
Pretty sure it is “yee”
Did he change his last name, too? To “haw” perhaps?
I don’t call it anything because I don’t really talk about it.
How about we don’t talk about it at all?
Who fucking cares? How about we just don’t mention that piece of garbage.
10/Ten Elon would hate it.
He is loving everyone getting baited and gaining tons of atraction
I’m still here…
Would rather just not talk about it
Prefer to give it 0 energy. Even this comment is pushing it.
What is “it”? I don’t know what we’re talking about here :)
I’ll continue to refer to it the way I do now, which is to not refer to it at all.
The amount of posts about Twitter and Musk are flat out disturbing…
Seeing what Elon Musk wants to do with it, we should probably be calling it “spyware”.
We got “#Birdsite” on Mastodon for ages, seems fitting to just continue with that to me! ;)