Basically the title. I would rather not get scammed… :) The idea is to move to GrapheneOs as my next step, but I don’t necessarily need the newest device.
Edit: yeah I was being too generic, Austria is were I am.
Answers depend very much on where in Europe you are. sells some refurbished Pixels with LineageOS installed
Didn’t know this, thanks!!
I bought my on eBay. It was 6 months used before. It’s like new one. Perfect with perfect grapheneos.
Good to know, any chance you remember the name of the seller?
It was private seller.
Willhaben, mit paylivery läuft das alles bestens. Pixels gibts halt eher selten, ich würd mir einen Suchagentenen einstellen.
I didn’t know about paylivery… Vielen Dank!!
Also a further thing to keep in mind. With all Pixel’s having OLED screens, ask the seller for a picture of the display displaying a large white area or else you might end up with a phone that has OLED burn-in. Especially with the Pixel 2 XL is often affected by this.
Ok, have to look into it a bit more because i barely understand what’s is about…
I’m not sure how reliable eBay in Europe is, but I would suggest finding one available from a highly rated seller on eBay.
I don’t know it either, but if I can’t find another way I’ll have to look into it.
Amazon warehouse deals if they have units in stock.
maybe there is something like somewhere close to you
That might be greatly helpful, since I’m in Austria at the moment!
If you go with a refurbed website, make sure that the phone has the ability to use OEM unlock. Some refurbed sites sell Verizon versions of the phones and don’t disclose this and Verizon along with other US carriers block OEM unlocking which means you can’t install another OS. There is no known workaround as far as I know. I had this issue before with a refurbed Pixel 4
Uh! Good point! Thanks for the suggestion.
Grabbed mine on Facebook Marketplace for cheap. Just meet somewhere public and use cash.
Not on FB, need another way :)
Just make a random burner account. I get the adversity to Facebook but the marketplace is very good. If you want a cheap and good condition phone you’ll want to look around on it.
Don’t they need a phone number now? That would really be a last resort…
I never had to use my phone number, just used an alias email that points to my real email.
That sounds more doable…
i havent bought there myself yet,
but so far i only heared good things about backmarket, which specializes in refurbished devicesMy experience with Backmarket was horrible and the S21 I got from them was advertised as being in “perfect condition” but resembled more a phone that endured World War II so I had to send it back for a refund. Backmarket is merely a marketplace for refurbishers, they don’t really check the phones that are being sold on their marketplace and anyone can easily put “perfect condition” when it’s clearly not the case.
Ok thanks, I was looking at the website and trying to understand if it should be trusted…
I’d be very careful if I were you, see my comment above.
That doesn’t sound good, thanks for the warning!
Is rebuy available on your country?
Why do you want to pay for a phone made by a company that is centralizing the Internet through them and adding DRM to websites?
because GrapheneOS
also, this way, privacy is ¹/₅ the price of librem or fairPhone
Do you have an actual suggestion or are you just wasting my time? It is said in the post why.