Feel free to post multiple suggestions for different genres. For example, atmospheric, sci-fi, adventure-like, etc.
FFVII (especially the 10 minute FFVII remake of One-Winged Angel)
Cyberpunk 2077 had some good ones. I’m digging I Really Want to Stay at Your House
Kingdom Hearts (Wave of Darkness is pretty great)
Witcher 3. Surprised I haven’t seen it yet. The vase game is totally the best in my ears, especially the Skellige soundtrack but the expansions are also a blast!
It’s not my normal thing, but Doom’s soundtrack really gets the juices flowing and fits beautifully with fast paced frantic gameplay.
Edit: 2016 Mick Gordon
If you like DOOM’s OST, have you looked at ULTRAKILL? It’s similarly stupid high energy (though maybe less metal and more breakcore) for a similarly stupidly fast pace bloody shooter set in Hell
Some of my favourites:
- NieR Automata
- Katamari Damacy
- Chrono Trigger
- DOOM 2016
- Celeste
- Sonic Adventure 2
That Katamari Damacy song still stuck in your head too?
Haha always
We Love Katamari might have a better soundtrack depending on the listener. I find myself humming more of We Loves soundtrack than the first game
Oh fair! I’ve never actually played that one, only Katamari Damacy and Beautiful Katamari, I should check it out sometime
Senran kagura games tend to have really great soundtracks (PS4). Same goes for Blazblue and Guilty Gear series.
Nier automata
Yes! NieR Automata is one of my favourite OSTs ever
I second this, I keep coming back to the OST. It’s so damn good.
Lots of good answers in this thread. Thank you for wording this in a way that allows me to post more than one answer, lol. I’ll name a few I didn’t see reading through here:
- Talos Principle
- System Shock remake
- Metroid Prime
- FF VI pixel remaster (all the pixel master OSTs are great, but VI got the most love)
I thought Mass Effect had a great soundtrack that really fit the game perfectly. Moody in parts and rousing in others.
Final Fantasy ix and X.
Their vibes just fit both the games respected themes and narratives.
Besaid Island from x is one of my all time favourites. Roses of red from ix a close second.
Bastion and Transistor also come to mind from Super Giant Games.
Shout-out to Xenoblade Chronicles X. I really wish Nintendo would port it to Switch , since the only way to play it is on Wii U…
Chrono Trigger, of course. Some legendary tracks in there that transcend their limitations. The Deadbolt OST, Katana ZERO’s OST. Nier Automata, Street Fighter V.
Oblivion and Skyrim as well. Really there are too many excellent game soundtracks to possibly list in a comment
Morrowind. It’s iconic.
deleted by creator
Hotline Miami. God damn, so good.
Hotline Miami is great. Have you tried Katana Zero? My favorite ost from it is probably Chinatown and Sneaky driver
In the same vein as Hotline Miami: Try the game RUINER. Also love the soundtrack for it.