I think the reason some people might believe this claim is because we’re taught in school that the moon’s gravity causes the tides. I think the reasoning goes, “well if the moon’s gravity can affect the tides, surely it can affect smaller things too”
If the great lakes only see a fluctuation of 5cm max, I don’t think it is affecting the human body in any meaningful way.
Take an inflatable swimming pool, let it sit outside. Notice any tide? No? Well, why would your kidneys have tides then?
Then why do I pee more when the moon is full, huh? Checkmate, atheists!
No. If gravity on such a small scale affected us, we’d have evolved to incorporate it as many animals do for navigate, or evolve to ignore it. We did the latter, if it was ever necessary. The gravity of the earth is many magnitudes greater. And you can prove that the shifting gravity from the moon is moot by the sheer fact that you can sleep on your back, either side, or stomach and not feel inverse affects. You can even move around through the night, like the moon does.
Also the tides thing is half right. About half as strong in tidal energy is the sun. Solar tides exist. So the question would also need to be “does the sun’s gravity affect us?” And the answer is the same as before.
I do think that in fact if you embrace your friend, he has a higher gravitational pull on you than you moon. Or so I believe, the math should work itself out.
Ask them how the moon effects weightless astronauts. I imagine you’ll get a confused response before they find some way to integrate it into their narrative.
In theory it has some kind of affect but not anything anyone would notice. Like I’m not even sure it would show up on a scale and anyone trying to measure it with something sensitive enough to do so would have a hell of a time separating the change from normal things like eating, going to the bathroom, sweating, or just breathing.
If we say for a moment that it does have an affect on people the next question would be what effect might there be. Again I think a major issue would be measuring results when there would be so many other things at play. Also what are we measuring? What might the proposed effect be?
This idea mostly sounds like pseudo science or a half assed attempt at supporting some new age idea.