I’m talking about that movie you saw that was so bad it was good.
Iron Sky. Nazi’s left earth at the end of WW2 and made a base one the darkside of the moon. Sequel has dinosaurs…
Sequel has Nazi dinosaurs in the center of the earth*
That movie is amazingly bad!
The Room.
I don’t know if there is anything to discuss there.
The are a few art house theaters in my city that will do showings of The Room in the same style as like a Rocky Horror showing. People will yell and scream and generally make of the movie in a fun and jovial way. I’ve always wanted to check it out.
“You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!!!”
Yeah! I saw The Room for the first time last month in an art house theatre it was great
Do people still throw spoons at relevant moments?
They do! :p
Johnny mnemonic is a camp masterpiece
Keanu Reeves, Dolph Lundgren, Ice-T, Henry Rollins…it had a hard time not being awesome despite the writing.
The Core
Finally something in this thread that I’ve seen (and is actually a bad movie). The “science” of this movie is hilariously inaccurate and the movie is kinda over the top. But it’s a lot of fun!
I really loved “My Name is Bruce”. That’s the thing that popped up in my mind.
Bruce Campbell is the king of B movies.
They’re so bad
But they’re so good
With Jackie Chan
Ever notice that this movie is basically the same story as The Three Amigos?
Better Off Dead.
An early John Cusack film by Savage Steve Holland co-creator of Eek! The Cat. How many montages can you fit in one movie?
“I want my two dollars!!!”
You like raisins!
My god that car was sexy! Thats the day i fell in love.
Aww man, I love this movie! I’m also a fan of the Holland’s other John Cusak film - One Crazy Summer.
It’s not quite as good (or so fond of surreal moments), but I still enjoy it.
Agreed, One Crazy Summer is not quite as good. But it’s available to stream on YouTube and will scratch the itch a bit :)
Pacific Rim
Makes no sense in ANY way but boy is it fun to watch. Some YouTube thingy called it the worst best and best worst movie ever, so…
I wouldn’t call this a bad movie though? GDT directed movie with decent reviews (72% RT and 65 Metacritic).
Unless you’re referring to the sequel (haven’t watched).
Cannibal: The Musical.
It’s a reeeally early Trey Parker and Matt Stone creation. A live action comedy musical movie about the Donner party. Definitely a classic.
Not sure it fits “so bad it’s good.” The jokes the movie wants you to laugh at are the jokes you laugh at, so it is an effective comedy.
There are jokes you probably missed too. For example Trey bole up with his girl friend the week before making the movie, so they named the horse after her.
When they wake up in the Indian village and they are practicing karate. They didn’t have any native Americans in their film school but had plenty of asain students.
Nope, knew about both of those. Another joke is the natives are speaking Japanese, not Comanche, and the teepees are the Japanese flag. Which is why the natives keep assuring everyone that they are, in fact, Indians.
The really awkward trapper song followed by them arguing about what key it was supposed to be in had me absolutely dying.
Crank with Jason Statham. Ridiculous but fun.
Does Velocipastor count ?
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Well, I’m convinced from that preview. Looks like the full movie is on youtube. Will have to check it out!
Armageddon is something I watch far too often. It’s not good but it’s very entertaining.
While it was certainly entertaining, I was always more of a Deep Impact fan myself.
I thought it was weird that two movies about a comet hitting earth came out within a year of each other.
When that happens, they are called “twin films” and it happens pretty regularly. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/twin-films-hollywood-movies-volcano-deep-impact-armageddon-capote-infamous-florence-foster-jenkins-a8431091.html
It’s very nostalgic to me, I remember watching it a ton as kid on VHS. It’s not GOOD but I think of it fondly
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Armageddon + DVD Ben Affleck commentary.
Troll 2. So many quotable lines and unforgettable scenes. And you don’t even have to watch Troll 1, because there is no Troll 1 - at least not in relation to, or in the context of, this film.
I absolutely love Troll 1 for the simple fact that the main character was named Harry Potter and he asks a witch to teach him to be a wizard halfway through the movie. It came out 11 years before the Harry Potter books.
There are also no actual trolls in the movie, only goblins. Legendary film.
Idiocracy was a great movie when it was satire, alas it’s now at best a documentary (at worst a ‘what could have been if things were good’ movie) Reality caught up and beat it, alas.
Have you watched it recently? Doesn’t hold up in my opinion
Watching it right now, I think it holds up ok
Nah, with how it goes in the world it’s more a horror movie now instead of comedy.
It is almost as if humanity decided to see the movie as a challenge instead of a warning (or just plain entertainment, what it was meant to be).
Go away, baitin
So bad its really fun to watch.