I have to pay a subscription to view a book, I can’t view without internet.
Is it possible to download it. I was going to print screen each page but wondered if there was a better way.
why would you want a book as an image file?? just search for the book en ebook format elsewhere. Is it a college class book? post the title and we’ll help you look
deleted by creator
Do any of these help?
Thanks, but thoae are old books and the ones on the paid link are updated. :(
Also as @[email protected] suggested, there are these options
This link has more books and 1 or two new releases but not all the new books.
It’s a shame there isn’t an app that can download the book when I view It online.
I personally like https://annas-archive.org/ for pirating my books, or one of the libgen mirrors if it’s not there
Thanks, this did help and had 1 or two new releases but not the collection in the link I posted.
Many websites allow you to download books. I don’t know the one you’re using specifically, but you can probably find the book somewhere else.
Thank you. The 830 page book that I found as individual previews on some Chinese site, downloaded each page separately as image (which it was giving for previews), and put together into 1 PDF over the course of 3 days is also there, on libgen.is.
For who wondering and less time for digging around, the OP have to subcribe for at least £431.00 per year on https://shop.theiet.org/product/gold-package-1-yr-subscription