I honestly don’t remember because I was too young. However I do remember growing up on all the classics like Keen, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, Rise of the Triad, Test Drive (1 or 2? definitely 2), Street Rod 2. The list goes on
You’re making me feel old. My first game was Carnival on the Atari 2600…
Pokémon Blue, you could say.
Also, RPG Maker. It’s wholesome seeing what people make.
Oh yes, the golden era of Horror RPG Maker Games. Ib, Yume Nikki, The Witch’s House etc
Oh my god. I was on that rm2k/2k3 hype train for so long. Never put out anything of value, or anything really, but I had so much fun doing it.
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Am I really the oldest one here? Sigh.
Not the only one :)
Pong was my first game but not what got me “into” games. That would be Zork by Infocom, played on my beloved Computer 64.
Combat on the Atari 2600.
Specifically the 1v1 tank battles.
Oh dang, used to love playing this!! Also the basketball game, and flight simulator was ahead of its time.
Combat! I loved that, especially with bouncy bullets.
Super Mario Bros. A game that’s nearly as old as I am, that fully stands the test of time. From the very beginning of my gaming days, this and Duck Hunt got me into it. Dig Dug 2 was the first game I ever got angry enough to flip the tv the bird. Sonic and Tails probably was the second major influence on my life, from a video game perspective. After that I was a gamer and will never turn away from the cathode-ray light!
Ah yes I too am a gamer of a certain vintage. Duck Hunt was great. I also had the Top Gun game for my NES.
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We have a Home Movie of me at 3 years old playing Tetris on my cousin’s Gameboy. I don’t remember a time that video games weren’t a part of my life.
The first game I remember realy clicking for me was Donkey Kong Country. I can still play that game off muscle memory alone.
Doom, Wolfenstein 3D and Elite back in the mid-90s. Jagged Alliance 2 and Fallout 2 a few years later got me finally hooked.
I once stumbled into my parent’s computer room as a little 6 year old and saw my older brother playing Sim City 2000. That moment literally changed my life.
Before that, I had seen my parents on the computer, but they were always just emailing or faxing stuff. I thought computers were boring machines for adults to do paperwork on.
The day I saw my brother playing Sim City on the computer was the day I realized it could do something awesome.
That was well over 20 years ago, and I’ve been a PC gamer ever since.
Sonic Adventure and Rayman 2: The Great Escape on Dreamcast
I still remember that damned theme song!
Just found out that there’s a remake!
Too bad it doesn’t run on Linux 🥲
A fellow child of DOS! My earliest memory is of playing: sango fighters, pang, and comet Buster’s with my two older brothers
I’d played games pretty casually since I was a kid, but Mass Effect is what turned me into a gamer. Before Mass Effecf, I hardly finished games and could never really master controls, let alone the concept of movement with one stick and viewing with the other.
The Mass Effect story pulled me in so deep that I put in the effort and learned to actually play the game. After, ME I started playing just about everything.
Now, I’m in the process of recording my ME playthroughs and editing them into a show just for fun. I used to be normal at some point…
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Can’t remember if it was Baldur’s Gate 1 or Morrowind when I was a kid.
Been playing Nintendo since I could remember. That’s like everyone else’s story.
However, I took a break. 1st kid was born and I wanted to focus on them. 5 years, no gaming… But Factorio… You see, that’s where the trouble began to grow. That factory. That damned factory.
edit: fellow engineers, check the FFF blog, they’ve released news of the expansion!
I’ve only played around 1500 hours of Factorio. Since I’m still a noob, can you give me some sites where I can read about expansion content?
I have the same issue. Too many kids. Haven’t really gamed in years. The only game that I got that was over 10 bucks in recent years was Doom Eternal. Other than that I usually play D2 mods or emulate. I really wish I could get into Factorio, but that game never goes on sale.
Also stopped gaming when I got kids. But then I got the steam deck. Now i manage to game q#2 hours a day
Been saving up money for a deck. Figured I would get one by middle of next year.
It literally won’t go on sale. The devs are on record saying so.
Ya I saw. Weird stance to take. Honestly the base game isn’t bad. Rimworld takes that to a new level. Not only does it not go on sale, but the DLC is way over priced for things that should arguably be already in base game.
Definitely has to be full throttle. Such great games by lucas arts back then
Does anyone remember Outlaws?
Super Mario Bros on NES… About 1991.