There really are a lot of commies on here aren’t there?
Well not real ones, obviously, but like 15 year olds whose parents work late. Lots of those types of communists.
Lol, I’ve been wondering how to describe them…
Like, I have a buddy who’s a communist, and we agree on everything. I come on Lemmy and say I don’t agree with the most extreme forms of socialism and communism, though, and I get straight up shit on and banned as if I said something incredibly offensive.
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Oh I’m well aware. Hexbear seems to be the biggest hive of bastards I’ve encountered on all of the federated instances. Every hexbear post I see is either super right wing or just insanely cringe My Little Pony type stuff.
its almost like hexbear is full of pedo right wing shit heads or something
I get the impression everyone on there is typically on 4chan. It’s a cesspool.
it’s wild seeing these comments get zero pushback.
Take your authoritarian propaganda and arrogance and go back to your own fork.
Hexbear users can be obnoxious, but they’re not “pedo right wing shit heads.” Ask them what they think about pedos and right wingers.
To clarify my tone, I’m not some scoffing, irony-poisoned debatelord, and when I say “it’s wild” I’m not rolling my eyes sarcastically, I’m genuinely surprised to see this shit.
Lol no, they’re not right wing. They just share the trait of being moronically devoted to their preferred ideology.
Oh, they’re real – I’ve met several in person. It’s very rare they’re older than “young adult”.
Horseshoe nonsense moment
I can’t keep track of this one-dimensional political spectrum people keep using. I thought tankies, socialists, communists, and liberals were all considered left wing, but I keep hearing things about some of these groups being on the right instead.
When can we upgrade to the political tesseract?
Yeah, people say right-wing when what they mean is authoritarian. There’s a guy named Bob Altemeyer that has been studying authoritarianism for decades and he makes a distinction between left wing and right wing authoritarianism.
That’d make sense, but there’s a good deal of stuff typically considered left wing (like antimisinformation and gun control) that is authoritarian too. Nothing inherently wrong with that, as long as it’s handled fairly, of course.
The troll in me kinda wants to see how people would react if I started calling them righties for wanting to stop hate speech, but I think I know better.
Society requires a socially agreed upon level of authoritarianism to enforce the socially agreed upon ruleset. No system of organisation or control is absent from authority, but trying to conflate functional social authority with forced authoritarianism has been something I’m seeing a lot more from fascist thinkers.
Authority: When the majority tell the government how they wish to be controlled.
Authoritarianism: When the government tells the majority how they will be controlled.
Huh… I see you set a bit of a rhetorical trap there, where disagreeing or countering would make me seem like one of these fascist thinkers. Nice. Might not have been intentional though.
Anyways, I see them as different steps along the same spectrum. Authority is a component of authoritarianism, but the presence of authority is not necessarily indicative of authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is authority taken too far.
On that topic, non-authoritarian authority is not always a good thing, nor does good authority necessarily stem from the will of the people. Sometimes the masses really don’t know what’s best. That said, democracy is probably still the best paradigm humans can manage on a long term.
Yes, you are basically describing Hobbes’ “Leviathan.”
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This is the take that bothers me the most, as if the most aggressive and outspoken faction of any group exist only to drag the more respectable members down by association.
I would be one thing to say, “I don’t understand that group”, but it’s quite remarkable to say, “I understand that group so little that they must be the opposition in disguise”
This is the take that bothers me the most, as if the most aggressive and outspoken faction of any group exist only to drag the more respectable members down by association.
Eh, only a small minority of hexbears are fascists, but almost all hexbears tolerate fascists. All the fascists have to do is walk in and say “NATO is bad, Ukraine is bad, libs are bad, vote for Trump because he is a big lovable goofball” and the other hexbears are like aight let’s own the shitlibs.
only a small minority of hexbears are fascists, but almost all hexbears tolerate fascists
A huge portion of hexbear users are trans or otherwise LGBTQ. Ask them what they think fascists want to do to them. Fascists also massacre socialists — often with American support, as in Indonesia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, El Salvador, Argentina, and Bolivia. Ask them how they feel about this. Hexbear users do hold some complex views on topics like China and Russia, but they have reasons for this and would tell you if you asked. You should consider talking to them, instead of making things up about them in an authoritative tone of voice. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a hexbear user who doesn’t want Trump dead or in jail.
It’s blatant though? They use right wing talking points for everything and it’s all dog whistles?
“Geopolitics exists as a binary, and on some issues they agree with the opposite binary from me”.
Worse actually, “they might agree with me on one issue but they disagree on another, so they must be pretending to agree with me to begin with”
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is Cuba a far-right regime? They just passed the most comprehensive pro-LGBTQ legislation package on the planet.
Just a point of clarification: you think the USSR was a far-right regime?
Liberalism hasn’t been left-wing for the past 150 years at this point
Can you tell me what liberalism is, then? Because to me it’s always meant “left wing on cultural issues.”
Asking a Lemmygrad user to explain something political won’t work out well
Maybe, but you have to know the definitions they’re using to understand what they’re saying.
in most of the world, “leftist” implies that you are anti-capitalist, while “liberal” implies that you support capitalism. Leftists believe workers should control production, while liberals believe owners should control production. Liberals might be “left wing on cultural issues” but it’s a lot less consistent among liberals than among leftists. You can find, for example, a large number of anti-trans liberals, but you’ll have a harder time finding anti-trans leftists.
That still doesn’t tell me what a liberal is. How do you define liberal? At best, what I’m getting from that is “a liberal is someone who supports capitalism,” but that makes Donald Trump a liberal.
“In popular discourse, the horseshoe theory asserts that the far-left and the far-right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear continuum of the political spectrum, closely resemble each other, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together.”
From Wikipedia
There’s not many all-in on authoritarianism that aren’t extreme left or right economically.
The political compass is better than a one-dimensional spectrum, but it’s literally twice as complicated.
You can pretty safely plot a symmetrical U shaped line running through the political compass and find almost everybody. That’s why one-axis works well for describing the political climate of the USA, it’s mostly in the right half of the political compass sitting on this line.
So tankies are very Communist (left) and necessarily very authoritarian to achieve their goals.
They represent the other half of the political compass that Americans usually do not see. So people on here frequently get confused when exposed to tankies.
And you also have the tankies talking about the Bernie-Sanders-style/social democrats (found at the vertex of our U shape) as “right” because if you follow the U line, they would be.
Yeah, political compass is more precise, but I like splitting social and economics too, which makes a cube. Then I said tesseract as a joke.
But “us vs them” doesn’t work as well when “them” has so much nuance.
So you think hexbear users sat around unfederated for 3 years and just pretended to be communists to each other?
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Extreme left-wing ideology is indistinguishable from extreme right-wing ideology. They both want to kill lots of people, and if you aren’t on their side you’re on their shit list.
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The political compass is garbage. All of those political spectrum simplifications are.
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Yeah, but it gives the same misconceptions to laymen’s that the left to right scale does.
And also CCP LLM bots.
Doesn’t matter for your sort. Whether they be card carrying members or teenagers, all comrades scare your kind equally <3
Go back to your swamp
The irony of saying this when the students at Tiananmen were literally protesting against the CCP for not being communist enough.
Go on. What’s ironic about my statement and what you just brought up? Why do you think me saying that there are a lot of commies here, has anything to do with my view on what happened in Tiananmen Square?
? your comment makes no fucking sense. Why do you people try SO HARD to have a dissenting but relevant opinion constantly? its tiring, go fuck yourself.
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There were multiple perspectives represented among the protesters. Some waved slogans for democracy, others had framed paintings of Mao Zedong. The protests went on for months and were not a unified, centrally organized affair.
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*I have pictures, mentioning this at the top because apparently no one reads this comment
I’m not the person you replied to earlier. I don’t know how the Soviets factor into this, and I don’t think it’s necessarily ideological to mention a concrete detail about an event. Established, western, non-communist, non-china-supporting media sources covered the protests in person for months, and their reports and pictures show a spread of perspectives among the protesters. Deng Xiaoping’s government had detractors from multiple directions.
two pictures, spoilered to not take up space in the thread
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Wow, “the mango press,” I’ll happily believe anything they say since they’re obviously not biased and full of shit…
Those were the workers iirc
There’s nothing ironic about it at all.
Uyghurs when they’re
detainedsent to aconcentration campfree job training program:Chuckles. I’m
in dangerimmensely grateful to the glorious Chinese Communist party for graciously offering me this tremendous opportunity.I’m saving this cuz I wanna see if anyone defends the CCP
Bonus points if they’re from .lemmygrad
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Arrogant assholes spewing propaganda while acting like they have the moral high ground. Disgusting.
I think they’re defederated
Nice its so much quieter not having to get constant notifications because someone got mad that I said ccp are terrible
Unless this happened in the last couple of days they’re not. There was a big discussion recently on one of the federations, and the admin who was from Latvia I believe stated that he was never against the CCCP. That thread was brigaded by hundreds of hex bear posters exclaiming how wonderful and helpful hexbear users were in explaining communism.
Edit - looks like I was wrong and some of the major federations of defederated with HB. Interesting.
You were right; we already got a salty lemmygrad user elsewhere in this thread now
I challenge you to honorable combat. Choose your weapon or face dishonor.
Bat’leth, obvi
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How could they be? Your instance is censoring them.
Oh no it’s cool, they love authoritarian censorship irl, so this is their jam.
The CPC doesn’t deserve defense. The most reactionary Tiananmen protester was more communist than any Dengist since then was.
But muh productive forces!!! You don’t understand, Deng HAD to crush the people’s communes it was the only way to build socialism by 2050!
It’s especially wack since deng initially encouraged the people’s communes. Only when he realized that the state would have to cede power did it suddenly become bad lol
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Anyone who thinks they can dictate a “proper” language is an entitled fool. Linguists literally laugh at you
This same dude came into a programming subreddit earlier and got dragged for their shitty uninformed opinions there too. I’d say they’re a troll, but they got big mad and deleted their comments after a while, so I think they’re just an edgy teenager or something.
- teach: (present tense) incorrect in your comment cuz u real beeg dum
- taught: (past tense) correct in your comment, if you want to know if someone previously gave them the knowledge
- teaches: (3rd person singular present tense) correct in your comment if you want to know if someone gives them this knowledge in the future.
do you even participle bro? I feel bad after this, I’ll buy you a tshirt, do you want “singular for life” or did you have a better idea?
You might want to brush up on your English skills! In US English Cuz is an informal conjunction of the word ‘because’ or more rarely cousin.
Here’s a link if you want to know more.
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^that kidsmad
You ever notice on language drop downs, that the flag for Portuguese is 🇧🇷? Soon, CUZ. Soon.
Poor language does nothing to weaken the strength of a good argument though, does it?
Okay did someone edit their comment? I see a bunch of responses regarding language skills but not the comment that triggered them.
Ah yes, history according to the hexagoons. I’m so glad to not see their bullshit anymore.
I poked my head in Lemmygrad once, and that was plenty. Shit like this but unironic. Fuck em.
I am quite envious of you .worlders in that regard.
“Posting the pig shit emoji is still funny, right guys?.. Right?”
man if the CCP catches you, just hope you have some condition that makes your organs undesirable… at least that way you can starve in the mines for however long you hold out, instead of going straight to the organ farm…
BuT aMeRiCa iS iDeNtIcAl
Just tell em you recently had Fukushima fish lol
Also I heard they eat babies.
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People keep going on about the painter’s death which is disrespectful to his work. It’s good of the government to censor mentions of the ‘1989 incident’ to protect his dignity.
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More propaganda from lemmygrad, how nice
Students fighting for democracy
Wait… are you calling China under Mao a Democracy? That’s laughable even from a Lemmygrad poster.
Lol at all the shit talking about an instance world never federated with.
Username checks out
yes they do?
World never federated with hexbear.
oh, i was thinking of lemmygrad
Lol lemmygrad ppl are Yakub with a handful of books getting pushed out of the way.
Y’all have nothing better to do than spew state dept propaganda?
+3 social credit
Sweet thanks
Classic ml poster
doesn’t understand actual reality vs surface-level words
no i’m asking WHAT did steve do?
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It’s a bit different from the old one but I think you did it well and it was a bit of a heads up but I think you did the wrong thing for me to say that you are well and I hope you can come back with the rest in your favour ASAP
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One of those predictive text paragraphs?
It’s a bit different from the old one but I think you did it well and it was a bit of a heads up but I think you did the wrong thing for me to say that you are well and I hope you can come back with the rest in your favour ASAP
Smells like markov chain.
Yeah also I don’t think they are saying it’s a good idea 😔 I think it’s a lot to be a part but it is because of the navbar with the letter X SYNC and the people in my life are you and the kids 😭 the same reason 😭💔💔 and I don’t know how much memory of the navbar and not the same as you are always in the mood to be joking 😃 and I have to do that to use it to the right 👍 and the other UIs is a bit of an emotional 😭 and it was
I can’t stop laughing
I can’t stop thinking about you at work now and then I will be there for you to be in the city of Rome I am a beautiful woman like you don’t have to be a good day to you and your family and friends with benefits of eating now I have a good day to you and your family and friends with benefits of eating now I know you are welcome dear how was it for the first time I will be there for you to be in the city
Oh sick, the first report was a frequent problem Only going on the verge of quitting Was a good analyst for a little cluck and then novels in a trenchcoat of the same night as the dominant ideology in my speed and the people who physically exist and have a totally different experience to do with the system.
.zip domain 😳
You rang?
How do the zippies feel about those coming from instances with .rar or .7z?
I had to put some stuff up for open source work recently; I got a kick out of using a .zip, but was sad that I don’t own something like zstd or xz…
As long as you aren’t using a Zip.
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I know, and I also heard that those domains could be used by bad actors (not saying these are)
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I think it’s the only thing that you have 2 days ago I am not going anywhere else to say it in 3 hours to go out to the office now you can do that to me that everything will work out the shower now then I’ll come back from work now my dear sister and brother it was just checking on me for a few days probably be there in a while back but it is not working for me
Also I don’t know if you have any modals in the house or something else on the way home and I can make a new instance of this and I don’t know how to make a new one but I don’t know what to the right 👍 and not because of the navbar with a good way of being there to be joking 😃😃😃😃 I don’t know what the plans will do but we are all gonna be what we
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Anti-communism bullshit
China is communist the same way America is a meritocracy
As a communist I don’t feel like this shits on me tho
Yeah. Communism is about freeing the people in China as well
Anarcho communist gang represent
Tank(ie) your for your comment!
Hmm I wonder why you care about a political ideology and not the thousands massacred. Yeah really a mystery there.
Lemme guess, you also think America is capitalist?
Lemmy guess