A world without advertising everywhere.
Competent, honest, politics in the face of climate change
Definitely a fantasy 🤣…😭
To be able to spend time and be with my family the majority of the time instead of sitting at a desk for 50+ hours per week.
My wife and I were talking about this while we were struggling to figure out how to occupy our young children in the hours that school doesn’t cover while we’re still at work.
It seems a scam that children are meant to go to school and do other activities for 9 to 10 hours a day just so we can put food on the table.
It is a total scam.
A form of capitalism that’s capable of reforming itself
To live in a society that’s not so utterly politically polarized about everything, especially when it comes to science and virology. Political weaponization of anti science rhetoric is going to be the downfall of the human race and it’s already set us back irreparably, along with the damage to our only planet, we are completely fucked
Stable homeownership without fear of displacement by bigotry or climate change. Also the continued financial means to support my family with my labor. I’d really love all this in a reasonably large city.
Wilder fantasy is to reduce the length of my workday while doing so.
Having fun and motivation for hobbies and personal projects again.
Try antidepressants.
Sadly I already do.
Try different ones. It took me three doctors until I finally found one who decided to give me an ADHD and bipolar drug instead of an antidepressant, and it worked (well, mostly. Works well enough that I can enjoy my hobbies again, and that’s something).
Ok interesting. It might be the same case for me, I will look into that. Though I have to say, that the current one helps me with overall anxiety.
So did the stuff I was originally on but it helped with nothing else.
Personally I’ve tried 3-4 different antidepressants and anxiety relief was a common effect (except Bupropion/Welbutrin, which made anxiety worse). So I wouldn’t stress it too much. Don’t be afraid to switch drugs and/or doctors if anxiety is the holdup.
Living without pain
A world where humanity can explore its full potential without a constantly looming existential crisis.
Something similar to Star Trek. A world without scarcity of resources or money.
Get enough personal funding for my parents to be taken care of.
Then build indie games for the rest of my life. Making single person RPGs. Where the stories can fill the void of my need to write novels. And the themes being a culmination of all the games I have played that had a role in guiding some sense of morality or drama. Such as the last mission on Halo Reach or the Mass Effect Trilogy, or Outer Wilds etc.
I’d want to compose, do the artwork, and the development for this, an all-out love letter to this form of storytelling. Spending years fine tuning every single detail as if it’s an elaborate sculpture. Details so small the crescendos of the OST, exactly match animations and playable cutscenes. All until, I feel I have reached a personal magnum opus, of the games released thus far.
And then say good bye. Moving on and living a simple life.
That’s really cool. You sound like one of my old roommates - he wanted to do the same type of games and do every part of making them.
Hope to run into some of them, some day. Has he gotten around to it yet?
I’m not sure! Last I saw he hooked up with some girl and moved back to Montana I believe.
Peace of mind
To have either a healing superpower or flying superpower. For two different reasons. For the healing superpower I would be able to heal anyone who needs it no matter who needs it regardless of how serious the medical condition is. Got a serious disease? Say no more, got a broken leg? Easy. I’d live on top of a mountain and be that wise old person that people make a pilgrimage to see. As for the flying superpower I want that just to see the world. See Europe, Asia, Africa and not have to pay for a plane ticket. I’d try to keep a low profile so I’d be mistaken for a UAP or the mysterious flying figure.
Will you still accept the flying ability, if the flying is really exhausting? (I don’t know what does it mean, but let’s say for flying chosen velocity, you need the same ?performance? (please help my English) as if you were riding a bike (or even running).)
If it means that I can travel or go somewhere, I’d gladly do it. It’d be a good incentive to exercise more.
I am on a beach, in a old lawn chair. the sand is grey. the sky is a deep dark blue. The sun has not risen. It is cold but not freezing. There is no wind.
I am aware of the long dead remains of the other beach goers around me. But I choose not to acknowledge them. I know peace in this moment.
I close my eyes as the sun begins to rise. Though does nothing against the blinding light. I do not see my final moment. I see nothing.
… either that or I dream of eating a big pizza.