China has lashed out at Germany after its foreign minister called Xi Jinping a “dictator” and summoned Berlin’s ambassador for a dressing down, in the latest flaring of tensions with a western democratic power over how the Chinese leader is described overseas.
When you change the rules so you can hold office longer than permitted in an authoritarian country that is an appropriate label for the dictator.
hexbear disagrees
Nobody gives a single fuck though because it’s hex bear
that bunch of larping teens?
The very same!
Then it must be true
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hexbears are trolls, they would disagree even if it killed their mother.
Yep and other rules
Very noticeable that they didn’t specify how he wasn’t a dictator, nor what other label would be more appropriate.
“I am not a dictator! Anyone who says I am will get jailed!” - Grand Poohbear of China, 2023
Hexbear users incoming in 3.2.1…
I use a client that can block instances, so I have all of Hexbear blocked. It radically improves the Lemmy experience.
Tell me your wisdom, duck of the lake.
I use a Violentmonkey script to do so
Whats the client?
Sync let’s you do it. Also possibly Connect? I forgot the other one, but i think it might be Connect.
Yes, connect lets you block instances, but it still shows that there was a comment there and lets you show it. It’s handy to see how much you’re blocking.
Kbin allows users to do this (noting kbin isn’t a client it’s a compatible platform).
Memmy app let’s you do it as well.
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I am using Eternity or Voyager, I will be so happy when instance blocking comes to those.
Connect does instance blocking and I think LiftOff does as well.
I just.tried Liftoff and i did not see that option
Give Memmy a try. I switched to it so I could block entire instances. It’s made my feed so much better!
Thanks for the recommendation, but I’m on Android, so I can’t use it. On spezit I loved, and supported Infinity, the Infinity fork Eternity is very good. I love having my own colour theme, it’s great for qol, and all the other nice features it has.
Sync is an outstanding Lemmy client for Android.
Apologies! I should have mentioned it was for iOS.
No worries at all
Never hear a dissenting opinion. I’ll take, what is an echo chamber for $200.
There’s differing opinions and then there’s just shittalking. When it comes to differing opinions most of Hexbear interactions deliberately (by the admission of their own users) fall under shittalking. They deliberately antagonize and troll anyone with a different opinion because in their mind anyone who doesn’t agree with them should be trolled. You don’t get differing opinions from Hexbear, you get a bastardization of a differing opinion. One that is different only on the basis them telling you you’re wrong, and in most cases even that has to be intuited.
Nobody should wade through shit to get a few nuggets of gold which is why most people just block Hexbear.
Just because they blocked Hexbear doesn’t mean they block all the opinions they dislike.
Hexbear is just full of radicals and trolls.
Have you ever bothered to read the rules of your instance? If I go on there and say anything negative about your cute dictator I’ll be banned. However, you can freely go on our greedy capitalist instances and praise your teddy bear as much as you want. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I guess your mind can’t comprehend being free.
Do you mean the rule about not being Sinophobic? Is that really a hard rule for you to follow? I like to look at objective reality instead of just barking the same nonsensical shibboleths when the topic of China arises.
No capitalist apologia / anti-communism
You would whine even harder if had
No communist apologia / anti-capitalism
in their rules.Most anti-communism has no basis in reality and often are myths perpetuated by state agencies. All Anti-Capitalist sentiment is rooted in the material realities of our world and life. To deny socialist historical reality is to deny your own history, and ultimately is an admission of your disingenuous support of the truth.
Historical Materialism is truth seeking in practice. It requires you to have a fact based, objective view of our past and present.
Also I don’t know why I would whine, because I’m not using That instance can have whatever rules they want. I wouldn’t block or defederate from them because of it either. But if you are not interested in seeking the truth and objectively observing reality, then I guess you can insolate yourself from it and keep your echos.
Thankfully, OP is from an instance that has not federated with Hexbear. Hexbear users won’t be able to see this post.
But they have posted to .ml which is federated with hexbear. So the poster’s instance needs to be federated no the instance of the community where the post is?
You need both. For a comment you even need the community instance, the poster instance, and the commenter instance to all be federated
That’s confusing.
Basically, everybody needs to agree before access is granted.
It is the best way to block spammers and trolls.
Maybe she should’ve used the chinese word for dictator.
Ah yes, Xi Jinping
That’s exactly like his name!
Ah yes, Xi Jinping
*Winnie the Pooh
Because he was democratically elected in a transparent election. Unlike the current American demented imbecile.
What are you talking about? He doesn’t hold elected office. Here’s the last time he was re-appointed to his appointed position.
from your link:
“I was reelected as the general secretary of the CPC central committee,” Xi said in opening remarks, before presenting the six other members: Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi.
Even your link to the fucking guardian says he was elected fair and square. Unlike Jim Crow Joe.
Lol he was elected by the party, not the people, in what amounts to a loyalty test.
That’s how parliament works in the UK. Bunch of dictators over there in the Queen’s England.
In the UK there are multiple political parties.
And look how well that’s going for them.
Ah yes, because they are all very different and diverse and definitely don’t kowtow to the same political group. A wolf in a different hat is still a wolf.
Sounds like the electoral college
Sounds like you need to take a civics class
That won’t change the amount of presidents we’ve sworn in that didn’t have a majority of the people’s votes
Remember when the people of the USA chose to vote for one of two white supremacists?
Lol, neither do I, then the feds rigged the election anyway.
Yeah they don’t tell you much about what’s going on in your police state do they? The feds paid a visit around to all the social media giants and forced them to censor negative news about paedo Joe. This is well known outside your prison state.
Omg you people are insufferable.
Whatcha gonna do, China? That’s right, nothing. Stay mad forever 😂
He’s gonna cope…and seethe.
Mald? What’s that?
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lucky your not a German ambassador! they would summon you for a “dressing down”
Haha, racism! I love that one!
Whatcha gonna do, China? That’s right, nothing.
What is there to do when you are already the one winning?
Mocking a single individual is not racism.
It may be bullying, but that is about it.
I’m an American so I can answer this question sincerely. When you are already the one winning, you work as hard as ever to keep winning. You innovate more. This is the American way. It’s why we’re the most advanced country on the planet, and it’s how we maintain that lead. Building off of the work of previous generations who made and did amazing things. That’s our approach and it works fucking awesome.
Jesus, just open KKK on here. Americans are truly the scum of the earth.
Famously, one of the worst atrocities of the KKK was posting memes of a chinese dictator
your fee fees get hurt?
Xi is so fat he is his own race 🤣😂
Is this com full of pre-teens?
So yes.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I think this is actually true.
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Well you can fuck right off! The same person *supposedly upset about the KKK just discriminated against 330,000,000 people from every country on Earth in the very next breath. You’re worse than racist.
Yeah I’m bigoted against genocidal psychopaths. Fuck me right?
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You are the genocidal psychopath. Fuck you indeed.
He talked about Americans, not people.
We know a thing or two, because we’ve seen a thing or two
- Germany, probably
Hitler obviously wasn’t a dictator as he was democratically elected by a majority (after competing parties were banned) and then -just out of situational necessity of course- got a lot of extra powers to ignore laws and constitution.
Yeah, I see how that Chinese definition works.
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Hexbear would be seething… if they could read.
Hitler obviously wasn’t a dictator as he was democratically elected by a majority (after competing parties were banned) and then -just out of situational necessity of course- got a lot of extra powers to ignore laws and constitution.
wow, just like zelensky!
history sure is wacky sometimes…
What extra powers did Zelensky give himself then that his predecessor did not have?
The power of staying in nice hotels around the world, racking a lot of cash while sending the poor people of his country to the meat grinder.
I love how every single comment making fun Xi the pooh here is getting downvoted lol
Here’s a little something for the dictator simps:
Gee, I wonder which group of users would do something like that…
Probably the antiracists. You should wonder if you’re on the right side when you are promoting and supporting racism.
LMAO! Racist? I didn’t know “dictator” was a race! Please, enlighten me.
The Winnie the Pooh meme about Xi is just racism. I don’t care if you think he’s a dictator.
Not racist at all. It’s against one person. Trump’s face is seen on an orange all the time. No one is calling for racism. He just looks like a damn orange.
Not racist at all. It’s against one person.
So depicting Obama as a monkey in a political cartoon wouldn’t be racist?
That would be racist, because of the whole monkey-black-people existing racial insult. In the same way, it is not racist to depict Xi as Winnie the Pooh since there is no “President Xis look like cartoon bears” racial insult.
So if Obama was depicted as Curious George that’d be cool yeah?
If only Obama was depicted like that, yes.
But it is commonly used to depict black people in general.
While nobody uses Winnie the Pooh to depict Chinese people, only their dictator.
There’s a big difference here.
Is Trump’s skin naturally orange? Is there a long history of oppressing white people in the US and other NATO countries?
Just because the Winnie the Pooh meme didn’t originate as a racist symbol doesn’t mean that it isn’t used to propagate racism and sinophobia.
Just because the Winnie the Pooh meme isn’t actually racist doesn’t mean I’m not going to call it racist in a pathetic attempt to establish a fake moral high ground over people who have arguments I can’t counter
There, I fixed it for you.
Xi isn’t in the US and his country isn’t part of NATO. Political cartoons are as old as time. They poke fun at the individual, not their descent. By trying to make it more you’re arguing for it to be censored. He has feelings (maybe), but he has gone so far as to attempt to censor the cartoon from his own country. Not because he believes it is racist, but because his opinion is that he doesn’t like it. Streisand Effect of course, it gets used more. I think Xi does remarkably look like Pooh. Do other Asian persons? No. There isn’t an innocence about it. Xi feels bad by it, people use it to make him angry. He is a dictator with lots of power so people use the one tool they have to attempt to fight that power - a fucking cartoon bear.
What? Winnie the Pooh is from a British cartoon…Asian people aren’t described as “orange” by racists. I don’t think you know the origin of this meme
Please illustrate how a British cartoon character is a racist caricature of xi? Is Barack Obama a tiger?
The Taiwanese use the meme all the time. Obviously not because it looks like Xi in particular and especially because of fragile censoring, but because they like to be racist against themselves. That must be it.
Calling Trump a guinea pig is probably also considered racist in lemmygrad.
it’s not racist bro the “taiwanese” use the meme all the time
The guy who replied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your second screenshot seems like one of the far-right wingers. They do not, in any capacity, represent the general population.
and especially because of fragile censoring
You think these memes are censored? Lol, you live in an authoritarian shithole that brainwashes you with this stupid shit. Use your brain.
Taiwan is where the former Republic of China retreated after being defeated by the People’s Republic of China. The censorship of Xi=Pooh in China isn’t rooted in racism, it’s rooted in the political conflicts between the ROC and PRC. China censors these comparisons because they are used by opponents to attack the government. You don’t have to agree with their methods to understand why they would want to do this. Censoring realistic threats to the ruling government is a common practice in all nations.
The racist aspect originates from how the meme is used in Western circles where there is a long history of racism towards minorities and the enemies of the US as well as a long history of sinophobia.
If your understanding of history, racism, and their opinions of Trump are so shallow, maybe lurking Lemmygrad to learn why users from this instance act so aggressively towards racism and war-mongering propaganda would be helpful.
If being connected to a cartoon is a “realistic threat” then you have a shit government
Top tier pearl clutching
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You have to be joking.
Right, because the meme about a Chinese man being a yellow bear isn’t racist.
It’s not racist
Dehumanizing people through racism is a well established method the US has historically used when manufacturing consent to go to war among its people. Look at depictions of Germans and Japanese in WWII. Look at depictions of Koreans, the Vietnamese, Afghans, and Iraqis during the invasions of their countries.
Just because its origins weren’t racist doesn’t mean it hasn’t taken on a racist meaning. Sinophobia is rooted in racism and ignorance.
It’s one guy, not a caricature of Chinese people
woah wtf you are being ridiculously racist. get the fuck out of here with that racist offensive stereotyping
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He isn’t a man. He is a bear. A fat, dumb bear.
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Whoa whoa saying Chinese are yellow isn’t cool. Dat’s racist, with Pooh the color isn’t relevant
Pooh lover
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It’s definitely part communists, but I think mostly special interest groups, maybe even from China itself.
You really want to feel special enough to think the Chinese government would even care about this internet backwater? Get real.
Never heard of propaganda? It is like sand.
It is course and rough, and it gets everywhere.
Altering public opinion is definitely on their agenda. I’m not the type of person that screams China bad on everything, but this simply wouldn’t surprise me. Also, nobody is trying to feel special here, except for you.
What a goddamned loser. Go sell your ignorant cultist bullshit somewhere else. Nobody here is buying it other than mindless idiots
Well that just goes to prove her point. Well done, Xi.
Overacting insecure jerk what Xi is
I don’t think any country would like their head of state be called a dictator.
And yet normal, functioning countries don’t lash out like this.
Except maybe Rome
Isn’t your president a paedophile?
No, we voted for the older guy this time.
When the shoe fits, start wearing it. PRC is an authoritarian state led by a dictator and his cronies.
Don’t you guys run the largest network of slave camps in the world? Yes you do!
Lemmygrader stay on topic challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Topic is authoritarianism wasn’t it?
The topic is Xi Jinping
The most successful president in the world.
Every dictator would be
How so? What do you mean?
It’s spelt Uyghurs, not you guys.
No. You guys call them negroes.
Fact is, your shithole failed state has 20% of the world’s prison population, mostly black.
Don’t get sick y’all. Might mean your life.
Cool, you can now go and tell your foreign minister, that they are allowed to call @NotTheOnlyGamer a slave owner.
Eh, okay?
Slave camps?
Easy fix: don’t be a dictator.
How can he stop being something that he’s already not?
Someone who jails people over depicting them in a mocking way is a dictator.
Someone who bans historic events and pretends they never happened is a dictator.
He is. Be quiet now.
they see me rollin’
in ma tankie
pulpin’ protestors but they still call me silly commie
Most dictators haven’t gone by that term, preferring instead some other executive role like chairman, supreme leader, or president. If Xi doesn’t want to be called a dictator, maybe China should start holding open elections, see how popular the CCP really is.
The CCP has higher approval rates than western governments and the vast majority of Chinese believe they are living in a democracy. This is confirmed by western studies; latest one I’ve seen was from Harvard.
Most forced elections haven’t gone by that term, preferring instead some other description like people’s elections, free elections, or secured elections. Made up words but you get the idea.
Most dictators haven’t gone by that term, preferring instead some other executive role like chairman, supreme leader, or president.
Don’t forget Führer
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Open elections when there is only one party in practice are moot
You got to choose between Hoe Biden and Donald Trump last time. Get back in your box.
Germany is right
You could even say, it is far-right.
Oh-oh here Xi comes
Watch out boy, Xi’ll chew you up
Oh-oh here Xi comes
Xi’s a man eater
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If any country knows what a dictator is, it’s Germany.
Dictators were never good at hearing the truth.
Quit being a dictator. 🤷