The best ones show a port scan. The worst just show scrolling html source code.
Trinity used NMAP and scanned for real known SSH vulnerabilities when hacking the power station in Matrix Reloaded.
The legendary ones show a “BREACH” at the target systems, in Red Bold Times New Roman font size 150.
Extra point if they have the PowerPoint shuttle controls visible in the bottom-left corner.
A serif font on a computer display?! Appalling! Sacrilegious!
The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be…unnatural.
Like being able to tell l from I.
And then there’s Mr. Robot in its own tier, using actual real-world tools and frameworks, with realistic flags and everything!
There’s also stuff like this that Hollywood employs:
Go watch Mr Robot, it’s great and does not do this
Been meaning to!
I am not a programmer by any means but I know enough to know they did their research.
Except Tyrell called it “nome” instead of “g’nome” and I’m pretty sure TOR exit nodes can only see unencrypted data and the entry node can only see who sent it.
…is gnome meant to be read as ‘genome’? Never realised that was a possibility as a non-native English speaker. Always based it off the garden variety Gnome with a silent G.
This is like sequel or ess-que-ell all over!
is gnome meant to be read as ‘genome’?
If we’re being pedantic, yes 🙂
I’ve been using Gnome for 24 years and have only ever pronounced it like the thing you’d put on your lawn if you’re an old person in Florida. But I guess that’s what happens when you only ever read about a subject and never talk about it in person.
That’s imgur for me. I’ve always pronounced it imm-gurr instead of imager.
My son and I got into a big argument about how that’s pronounced. He said imm-gurr and I said imager. Since he’s younger I assumed he was right, but it sounded so stupid I refused to yield. 😂
I’m Gur.
There are so many computer terms like that! Gnu, which is the closest parallel to Gnome. SUSE Linux. Gif. Lib.
Me, I apparently learned most of them incorrectly. But those (mis)pronunciations are ingrained and comfy now.
I never actually had to pronounce it, but in my mind MySQL was “my squeal” for years and years. The first time I talked to another PHP programmer about it I said “my squeal”, and he did a double take, then said “hold on, what did you just say?”. Then we had a pretty good laugh about it after he corrected me.
all the hacking scene are amazing, I really hated all the angela screen time lol, I just wanted elliot
Also showcased how a darknet store looks like (or I guess used to)
Never forget the infamous NCIS co-op hacking on a keyboard scene.
I remember a scene of such a crime movie that was at least funny for people used to computers and progrmmers.
The (old and seasoned) detectives were brought in contact with the new “cyber unit” of the police. Stored away in an otherwise empty office floor somewhere, they were the absolute movie style hackers: cluttered desks, sloppy outfit, beards. The old detectives were quite reluctant to work with those young “computer people” and had a lot of prejudices. Then, one of the detectives found a big red button on the desk and said “I wonder what happens when I press this button” - and presses it. And the “cyber guys”: “DON’T!”. The detective mocks them, and presses the button several times before he asks what the button actually does. Cyber guy: “That is our ‘order pizza’ button! I hope you’ve got enough money to pay for this…”. Cut. Next scene: They are all eating pizza together from a desk-high stack of pizza boxes.
I was looking for a new project. pizza button would be neat.
Back in Ye Olden Days, we probably had the first web interface to order pizza. “We” had been a long-established computer nerd meeting, and this pizza service that normally was closed on Sundays actually opened just for us on that weekend just for the occasion. We had an internal web page to order and organize orders of pizza. But of course, the order did not go out electronically - when our web app saw the need to place the order, is simply sent a fax ;-)
This actually existed
You know, I’ve seen this dozens of times but I’m just realizing, at least assuming that’s not a power bar (which would be odd since it matches the plug of the monitor or PC), since the monitor shut of straight away, he actually only unplugged the monitor. The PC should still be on and getting hacked.
Yes, my favorite comment:
pulls out the power cord for the monitor
Job done!
followed by:
Attacker must have had 5 people on the keyboard.
The first one had me laughing out loud
What is that a video game?
Whenever I point out that something doesn’t work like that in a TV show or movie, my wife says that that’s the way it works in the universe of the show. Okay, maybe, but how am I supposed to enjoy nitpicking, then??
Inside that part of an inside joke between writers? Read that somewhere.
Yes NCIS writers vs CSI writers to see who could get the stupidest tech bullshit on screen
I love how the smug manager thinks he’s thwarted the attack on the server since he unplugged the monitor to the terminal where people were defending against the attack.
If it’s even that. Most of the time it’s non-nonsensical gibberish.
I was watching a show recently where someone was writing code, and it was actually C++ code. I actually did the exact pose in the meme.
Of course, he was writing it inhumanly fast, and he always seemed to be writing the start of a new file. But I liked that it was actually code and not just The Matrix-style jibberish
Sounds like
That’s likely exactly what it was.
When I made a short film about an AI I was writing C# into visual studio as my coding. It was actual video game code that was for something like AI pathfinding or something, so I tried to make it somewhat accurate.
Not sure why movies can’t spend a grand on a programing consultant to actually write them some hacking-ish code for the scenes.
My guess is that they just don’t care to spend the time on it when the majority of people wouldn’t even notice. But of course those of us that would notice would really appreciate it.
As a guitar player, it equally irritates me when the person “playing” the guitar has clearly never touched a guitar in their life. Similarly, when an actor is actually playing it, I really appreciate it.
Off topic, but I once walked in while my wife was watching some anime where the guitars were all extremely accurate, like down to what tuning pegs they would have had for the era the guitars were from. They must have motion captured all of the guitar playing from when they recorded the music, or at least took video of their hands, because they animated it perfectly. Down to the tapping parts and everything. It was jaw dropping. I made her start the whole show over from episode one so I could watch it.
What’s the name of the show, though?
The music anime was called Given. I highly recommend the first season, but they followed it up with a movie that I didn’t like at all.
The show Mr. Robot did that, they used real 0-day exploits for their hacking scenes!
They were actually hacking rival TV show producers in real-time. (This is a lie)
I thought I heard somewhere that these screenwriters as like an inside joke try to top each other on how ridiculously incorrect they can make their hacking scenes.
sudo apt-get install hackerman
You actually don’t need the -get anymore
It’s recommended for script usage
deleted by creator
Don’t test me, I’ll do it.
What if --test-dir=/tmp --dry-run jumping off a bridge was recommended for script usage?
export BRIDGE_BEHAVIOR=legacy
and pretend nothing changed until everything one day breaks horribly in production.Are you daft?
deleted by creator
sees them using Assembly
okay this probably doesn’t make sense but I’m too lazy to prove it
I’d love it if they made a movie on Mel. The guy who coded a magnetic drum completely by hand.
He’d memorized a gazillion opcodes and tuned the drum to do better even before compilers had been implemented. He just didn’t trust them so he refused to use the compiler lol
sees them typing into notepad
“Wait this might actually be legit…”
Don’t forget the ridiculous amount of beeping and other sounds when characters fly over the screen at twice the speed of light!
He is building Firefox from source, don’t worry
As an actress, that’s nonsense, if hacking scenes in movies are fake, then how do you explain this documentary I watched where this hacker man hacked a kung fu fighting cop back in time to kill Hitler (and David Hasselhoff was there for some reason, too)?
The Nintendo Power Glove is a critical accessory for hacking too much time.
Best rp on all of lemmy, beats out those shitters over in the Marxist area any day
It’s almost as if an award winning professional actor would be really good at playing roles or something.
What’s your opinion on the Hollywood obsession with femme fatale roles and do you think that’s a healthy discourse/ideology for women to adhere to today
Compare and contrast with Status Fatale figures
I’ll go into it briefly since I’m a bit bored.
The role of woman in society is, as with all things, an inherent contradiction (Pretty sure everyone has seen or at least read about that monologue from the movie by now), and society progress through the development and resolution of these inherent contradictions.
You can view the role of the femme fatale, then as an response to seek resolution to said contradiction: what if these extraordinary women are now free to be as smart and pretty and as dangerous as they want?
I don’t think it’s an obsession, as long as this contradiction exists, this idea is always worth exploring.
Does it get explored or does it get repeated to the point losing its meaning and instead encouraging new status quo.
I’d also still like to hear your opinion on it with respect to the male counterpart as portrayed in movies if that’s cool
Thank you for reminding me that this piece of cultural heritage exists, I need to watch it again
Remember that 2 was in post when the production company decided they would just stop funding it
Honestly, I don’t think it ever needed a sequel, it’s perfect on its own
I was really looking forward to it :(
Do we have a “itsaunixsystem” community here?
Yes, but it looks like it’s been inactive for a while:
Wait, you guys don’t update your system and install random packages before going on a hacking spree?
What have I been doing all this time?
Probably masturbating
Running “top” is also some common thing.
So, when I got a bunch of free serial WYSE terminals ages ago, I propped them up on the shelf, daisy-chained them, wrote a wrapper to be able to address all four screens through one UART, and had them display (and regularly update) system stats. Just because.
All praise Mr. Robot
I owe my abuse of
to Mr. Robot! I saw it on the show, and now I use it everywhereActually had legit shit. Like a breath of fresh air.
I recently started rewatching Gundam Wing, and one of the computer screens with fast scrolling text was just scrolling through the Readme of either old Adobe Software or old Printer software (I don’t remember which).
I’m not sure about Gundam but I was watching through Dragonball z and sometime during the Android saga, Bulmas computer starts running a program and it looked pretty accurate but I’m not really able to program.
The only hacking that ever felt plausible to me was in Mr. Robot.
I still need to watch that.
It is a literal masterpiece, and not because of the hacking. I highly recommend watching it again after you finish for a totally new experience.
Dark mode.