I’m not talking about the full lyrics, but just a phrase or a sentence that you feel is right up your alley.
One of my personal favourites is from Barmy by The Fall: I got everything I want except for money.
"Sometimes I feel, oh yes, I could do
Almost everything I wanted
And it makes me cry"
– Yoko Kanno, Flying Teapot, Cowboy Bebop soundtrack
“Your death it won’t happen to you, it happens to your family and your friends, I pretend.”
From the song “I Always Wanna Die Sometimes” by the 1975.
Got me out of a very dark place and made me realize how much it would hurt my friends and family if I went through with it.
We all have suicidal thoughts at some point. It’s when you actively think about how and when you’ll do it that you need help.
I was in a similar spot a long time ago. Even though in such a situation it’s incredibly hard to see it from outside your black bubble of depression, from your family’s and friends’ POV, it really does help to try.
This line from Uncle John’s Band by Grateful Dead is really simple and maybe kinda cheesy but it’s given me motivation and kept me in check a few times:
Well the first days are the hardest days, don’t you worry anymore. 'Cause when life looks like easy street there is danger at your door
I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit! Silly shit! Stupid shit!
Tool - Ænima
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Paul Simon, Crazy Love. The line is “sad as a lonely, little wrinkled balloon.” Even as a kid, I always found that image so evocative.
Paul Simon has so many hard-hitting lyrics across his entire catalog. I’m sure I could find something from just about any album, but for me, what comes instantly to mind is this line from “The Cool, Cool River”: “And sometimes, even music/ Cannot substitute for tears”.
From the same album…
“Losing love is like a window in your heart,
Everybody sees you’re blown apart”Such a devastating lyric.
The deadly, yellow snow from right there where the huskies go.
Frank Zappa - Nanook Rubs ItAlways makes me smile :)
Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow!
As she abused a sausage patty
And said why don’t you treat me mean?
“Daddy grips the wheel and stares alone into the distance
He knows that something somewhere has to break
He sees the family home now looming in his headlights
The pain upstairs that makes his eyeballs ache”Synchronicity II, The Police
And you are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun
Pink Floyd, Time
“I’m not suicidal I don’t wanna fuckin die. I just wanna be able to close my eyes and feel alright, but everyday I feel like dyin.”
Suicidal Thoughts - Josh A
On an evening such as this It’s hard to tell if I exist. Pack the car and leave this town. Who’ll notice that I’m not around?
I can hide out under there… I just made you say underwear! I can leave but I’ll just stay. All my stuff’s here anyway.
Pinch me - Barenaked ladies
“I’ve been on fire, and yet I’ve still stayed frozen”
CAKE No Phone
“A heart that’s full up like a landfill”
No Surprises by Radiohead
Makes me think of someone who’s so empathetic that their heart is just always overflowing with thoughts of other people’s misery. It hasn’t gotten better.
“Music of rebellion makes you wanna rage;
But it’s made by millionaires who are nearly twice your age”
-The Sound of Muzak by Porcupine Tree
Also, People=Shit by Slipknot. lmao
I went to the doctor
I said I’m feeling kind of rough
"Let me break it to ya son
Your shits fucked up".
I said "my shits fucked up?
Well I don’t see how."
He said "the shit that used to work.
Won’t work now."
-Warren Zevon