• Skybreaker
    971 year ago

    Entire plot lines hinging on people not explaining themselves which would take about 5 seconds.

  • @[email protected]
    761 year ago

    I’m a software engineer, so basically anything involving software/hacking. It’s always inaccurate. (Because accurate hacking is incredibly boring.)

    • janus2
      231 year ago

      and the driver jerkily moving the steering wheel like they’re on a rally course instead of most likely just a long straight road

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I have vague memories as a kid of my dad doing this IRL and my mom occasionally telling him to look at the road. But idk if I just made up the memories or not. I guess my point is maybe these people do exist out there? Lol!

  • @[email protected]
    531 year ago

    Cutting the palm to spill blood. Typically followed by a huge battle scene where a gash in your palm isn’t going to affect your sword play/battle prowess

  • @[email protected]
    521 year ago

    Bad physics. Totally pulls me out of immersion.

    No, Captain America cannot lean back and hold a helicopter that is lifting off. It doesn’t matter how strong he is - he will be lifted once there is enough force generated from the propellers. Basically anything Batman does that involves gravity in the Nolan films is similar.

    The magic I can get behind. The mutant stuff or dragons or even time travel in superhero movies doesn’t bother me. It’s the lack of sensible mechanics on an alleged Earth that I’m bothered by.

    • ValiantDust
      301 year ago

      Maybe Captain America’s real power is that he is really heavy.

    • @[email protected]
      281 year ago

      I get your point, but I will say the Captain America scene isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility. Cap weighs the helicopter down for a few seconds, and grabs a support beam for the helipad as soon as he can. If Cap can keep a grip on both the beam and the helicopter, then the propellers will only lift him if either Cap or the support beams break.

      Of course, whether he should have had that much effect on the helicopter for those first few seconds is another matter entirely and I’m not enough of a physicist to make that call.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        It’s those first seconds I am referring to. The pole does make more sense to me. Also not a physicist, but it irks me just the same.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      Ant man surfing through pressurized water pipes. Would have been a lot more interesting and realistic as a scuba dive.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Yes! This seems like the right movie. For a few seconds before he grabs the pole, he does just lean back, right? That is the part that concerns me the most. At least this in the image seems doable if somebody is cap strong and angry.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            He isn’t heavy enough to make that much of a difference before he grabs the ledge, is he? If the helicopter can manage lift, his 200 lbs shouldn’t make that much difference. It’s the part before he grabs the ledge that bothers me in this clip

  • Chetzemoka
    1 year ago

    Injecting medications into necks.

    Medical things are rarely accurate, but Jesus this one is absolutely infuriating. There’s no anatomy in a neck that you could even inject anything INTO. You’re not aiming for a jugular vein on the fly and there’s not enough tissue in a neck to receive an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. If your needle is too long, you’re definitely hitting something critical. It’s feasible that you could squirt medication into someone’s trachea or esophagus or - god forbid - spine if you actually tried this nonsense.

    Arms, people, ARMS. This is where we inject things into people who are not interested in receiving an injection. Arms or butts, right through the clothes. You’re aiming for the deltoid muscle or the glutes. I’m even willing to concede the inaccuracy of a medication affecting someone instantly (they don’t), if Hollywood would just stop having characters inject things into people’s necks.

    On our next episode of medical things that make me crazy: People getting shot through the shoulder with zero consequences.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      This always bugs me on police dramas. On Chicago PD the characters are constantly on gunfights, get in and out of hospital almost everyday, get shot multiple times on back to back episodes, get beaten up, concussions, cuts, stab wounds, bullet wounds in all sort of places. Yet, every episode they’re fine and working the field, and clearing building like a fucking ad-hoc Swat team. Not a limp, no cronic pain, no painkiller addiction.

      In reality, the whole force would be on medical leave, on a desk job for disability or plain out of the force due to medical unfitness by the season’s midpoint. The cases would have to be finished by an entire new batch of officers every few episodes, including the captain.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      What is your medical opinion on people who get lofted 30 feet through the air by an explosion only to get up and walk away? On a scale from molasses to beetroot soup, how runny will their organs be?

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      My wife is a nurse and any time someone is getting a shot in the arm she starts yelling at them to find the shoulder bone first three 3 fingers down!

  • Punkie
    431 year ago

    Concussions. Especially when they are used as plot vehicles where someone is knocked out, and they wake up in a jail cell or whatever.

    If you got hit THAT hard on the head that you’re unconscious and unresponsive for hours? You are going to wake up dizzy, nauseated, and disoriented with a huge headache, loss of motor control, and a disorienting tinnitus. Possibly permanently. Your brain swelled up and cut off blood flow. You might look like a stroke victim. You will not wake up, rub your head, then pick a lock in a dark room and construct a bomb with a gum wrapper and a smoke detector battery. You will weep, vomit, and be unable to walk straight until you get real medical attention.

    Some action stars get knocked out almost every episode. I think MacGyver would have been mentally incapacitated after just a few shows.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Im not a medical professional, but I thought if someone was knocked out for mote than a few minutes there’s a good chance they just wont wake up again?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        It’s a probability thing. It’s used as a proxy indication of the severity of the concussion. A person who can’t stay awake after a head injury is an immediate rush to the trauma room, they probably have internal bleeding and their brain tissue is dying.

  • LegionEris [she/her]
    381 year ago

    When people and places that should be dirty are clean and kempt. Pirates on the seas should be dirty. Soldiers in the field should be dirty. Cowboys on a cattle drive should be dirty. Swamp cultists should be dirty. I appreciate realistically dirty characters. It distracts me every time when characters are clean and showered with their hair done on day three of being lost in the woods or some shit. It’s one of the many things Our Flag Means Death nails. Even Stede gets grimy, because piracy is grimy work.

    • Justas🇱🇹
      101 year ago

      Especially when two people have to crawl through a pile of mud, or experience explosions or something and the guy is all muddy and torn up but the girl’s makeup is intact and her clothes are mostly clean.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        No, she has one spot of mud perfectly placed on her cheekbone.

        Always seems to happen when a woman is in an explosion or something too. One cut or scratch in the same place or just above the eyebrow, and in the next scene it’s got a butterfly bandaid over it.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      51 year ago

      Or women with foundation, mascara, and lipstick when it makes no damn sense. Like wow, didn’t know Sephora survived the nuclear apocalypse.

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    381 year ago

    It really really bothers me when a character puts something down, and then walks away without picking it up, especially if they show them with it again later.

    Something not so small that bothers me is when a victim is running from a bad guy or monster and then happens to knock them down, like with a baseball bat or something, and then they just take off running again. Fucking finish the job, you dumb ass! Hit him a few more times and he won’t catch up to you again in 30 seconds when you unsurprisingly trip over your own feet.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      Similarly when they walk in the house but don’t shut the front door again, or open the fridge but never close it. I’m like waiting the whole scene to get back to that and missed the entire dialogue.

    • Waldowal
      1 year ago

      Just watched an episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. In the episode, the ship’s security officer, La’An, enters the bedroom of Khan Noonien-Singh when he is a small child. Proceeds to put a loaded gun down on his desk, have a conversation, then leaves the room. You’re the chief security officer, and you just left a loaded gun in a child’s bedroom!

  • Björn Tantau
    371 year ago

    People always hang up the phone without saying goodbye or anything. I read that it’s some time is money thing in film and TV but it just sounds like bullshit to me.

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      181 year ago

      I thought that was just an American cultural thing.

      In the UK, you have to say bye at least 3 times.

      • PhreakyByNature
        101 year ago

        Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson are still exchanging goodbyes to this day.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        TV shows and movies only make you think it’s a cultural thing.

        We say “bye” here in the US after essentially every phone call otherwise people would probably be confused at when the conversation ended or when you’re hanging up.

        An exception I’ve had to this is when I’m getting a phone call where someone is trying to meet me at a location. I might hang up without saying bye if we both make eye contact in person and find each other. Because we’re going to continue the conversation in person anyway.

        There are other rare exceptions like this, but it’s definitely culturally expected for you to say “bye” before hanging up!

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I would love to hang up without a goodbye, but then people are just going to call me back because they’ll think the call dropped. After a couple of those awkward interactions, I would quickly switch back to some sort of affirmative close to the call.

    • Punkie
      91 year ago

      I had a boss who did this! He just abruptly hung up when he was done with the conversation. People used to call back, worried they’d been cut off, or my boss was mad at them. Nope, he’s just overly autistic-efficient.

  • @[email protected]
    341 year ago

    Lots of scenes with two parties exchanging gunfire, often with like full machine guns, no one’s wearing ear protection, and they’re always urgently yelling shit at some teammate standing right next to them.

    Even though they’re yelling, the only thing the dude you’re talking to is going to hear is “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” cuz his ears are now FUCKED.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      Many people don’t realize how loud guns are. Shooting a rifle without hearing protection is physically painfull. I don’t get how people who’ve been to war are able to hear anything after that.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Even as someone who spends a good amount of time at the range, I never thought of this until Bill Burr did that bit about why he has a smaller pistol for home.

      It didn’t ruin John Wick, but any of the indoor scenes, especially the one where they’ll have low gravely emotionally loaded dialogue… I have a hard time suspending my disbelief.

  • @[email protected]
    331 year ago

    Characters repeatedly “dying” but then surviving again. That’s why I liked game of thrones so much when I first watched it

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      This is so important! People like to be surprised by inciting incidents, not by the consequences of them. Showing a character dying and then not having them die is a good way to make the audience think you’re lying when you’re not.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Game of thrones, feels like a kid whimsically thought about a classical story then killed the main characters. Everyone would normally think it’s too immature for a story. Instead it became one of the most watched shows. Except the “killing off characters” thing ,the show was well made.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I work in the film business. Im one of the on set tech worker bees and the thing that annoys me most in movies is making them. What a shit industry. In the past +5 years of so, it has really gone down Hill. I’m an IATSE member and year after year these big studios have taken everything from us, refused to give reasonable raises, even if only to keep up with inflation, and the daily production demands get bigger and bigger, putting so much pressure on the crews. On top of all that, they brag about setting record profits every year while pretending to be shooting a huge film on a shoestring budget. I hate it and I’ve been trying to get into another industry but it’s so hard. It’s hard for me to enjoy movies anymore because I’m so resentful. I work on the big big stuff too so it’s not like I’m getting screwed over my little indie shit stain prod cos. These are the jobs people dream of and it’s not what you think it is and everyone hates it once they get here. It’s not the work itself though, it’s those you work for. Ignorant peanut counters and the precious shareholders ruin everything.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      Um excuse me OP said minor, not what are the life crushing things that annoy you about movies.


    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      To be fair what you’ve described is just about what any public facing for profit business is heading for lately it seems. Your experience is not dissimilar to mine in engineering.

  • @[email protected]
    291 year ago

    Characters needing to talk “privately” when in a location with others. The solution is always to take a few steps in one direction. They’re still clearly within easy hearing range of anyone who isn’t massively hard of hearing. Yet apparently the other characters in the room all just go temporarily deaf.