What kind of mangled ass fucked up butterflies do you have flying around in your head?
Thr one glued to my bumper that I hit while going 85 and blasting freebird.
Excuse me, but if you see a butterfly there, there is something seriously wrong with you…
Would someone have the guts to hang this on a wall?
I would.
In the bedroom? Yes. A reminder to do something in bed besides sleeping and eventually a reminder of times when lust was a much stronger driving force in life.
In the office? Yes. There is nothing wrong or offensive in the picture; your mind is getting into the gutter by itself.
In the living room? Yes. Great conversation starter.
By the front door? Yes. Oh yes. The face on anyone knocking unsolicited when spoting that strategically placed painting.
Finally: where can I get a copy?
You get the copy, you print it and hang it, and i want to see a picture of your office/bedroom/livingroom/whatever as a proof
But where do I get the copy to start with?
A reminder to do something in bed besides sleeping and eventually a reminder of times when list was a much stronger driving force
Damn that sentence went downhill FAST
It is inevitable. Even modern chemistry has a limit.
I’m so confused I just see a blob how does it look sexual??
Ah yes, my favorite paintings; “The Woman is Coughing,” “Cat,” “Tequila,” and “In The Ass Autumn”
Thank you.
There’s some provocative work by the artist.
If u see a butterfly, u the one with the problem
Looks like OPs mom to me
Can confirm, just witnessed this
wheres that damn butterfly??
A playdough woman sucking a playdough cock
I see intestines in the middle.
I see a warped version of the “I want you for us army” poster
I was getting afraid i was the only one
If you liked that one, you’ll love “double barrel”.
This is just rotoscoping porn lol
How about in the fist of autumn?
Someone is getting some brain 🤔
this man is clearly deep in thought next his large slice of bacon.
Where is this butterfly you speak of?
Keep looking. It’s down there. Very round wings.
Like like an abstraction of human intestines.
The thing I’ve always wanted: a penis big enough to be sucked 🥲
I hope you find the penis of your dreams
I recommend to look around truck stop bathrooms, found some great ones there
Never had a jolly rancher?
Go back to Reddit with those stories.