Anon was in a private home and ate someone’s food
Drunk as fuck, someone took pity on him at the bar and gave OP some takeout.
Bet ya they charged him for it tho. As they should.
The ol’ RDJ
I’ve had this before, except I was drunk, and it was a kebab.
I really, really do not like kebabs… my friend convinced me to get one. This kebab was like it had been sent from the heavens, I was in shock, never had I experienced a kebab like this.
The next day, I messaged my friend asking where we had the kebab… neither of us could remember. I had a vague idea of what the door looked like, we searched every time we were in the city centre for many years, but in vain.
The kebab phenomenon. It is known to appear for those who need it the most, until it is no longer needed.
If you ever do track down this place, let me know
Alas, I moved to another part of the country last month, and I no longer speak to that friend, so it’s an impossible dream.
I’ll have to be content with the delicious memory.
Those are mobile restaurants run by kitsune who cross dimensions to serve a variety of clientele. You just happened to have stumbled inside on the night before they left to another realm. Consider thyself lucky, mortal, for their food is god-tier
New reality headcannon. And if this is a simulation, why not?
I’ve heard if you take a plane, the simulator gets twisted around a bunch and you can experience some Real Shit.
Oh I saw that one on nhentai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Maybe he accidentally walked into some Chinese person’s home and they played along and fed him to get him to leave?
I’d bet money on this possibility.
We once accidentally did this in China far off the usual tourist locations for foreigners. People were chilling outside sitting around the table and we mastook them for a café. The host told us about the errors of our ways but was hospitable enough to talk with us and offered some food, which we paid for. That was an interesting experience
Happens to the best of us.
Dude was eating out of a restaurant dumpster in a back alley somewhere next to the cooks that were enjoying their cigarette break.
“oh man I don’t wanna call the cops on this white boy… Honey he says he wants the menu. I dunno. Make him some noodles and some chicken. He doesn’t know I’m speaking English and not Cantonese, that’s how zooted he is.”
Can you be that high? People do on other stuff on the regular. Didn’t they find Iron Man in some kids’ beds sleeping??
I’d believe it. One time at a concert we all did acid and molly. At a certain point I needed to go down the stairs to another level, but as I attempted to go down, there was an usher telling me I couldn’t go downstairs. So I said “Oh, sorry, my bad” and walked away. A few minutes later, my friends come find me and walk me down that same staircase, and the usher said nothing, which I thought was odd.
It was later after sobering up that my friends told me that what actually happened was I had walked right up to the usher, stared intensely at them for a solid minute, before saying “Oh, sorry, my bad” and walking off.
Another time, I had a buddy get incredibly high and was trying to run to the police station up the street because we were “mind controlling him”, and then later that evening after calming him down, was watching porn and having conversations with the actors as if they were speaking directly to him. Not even masturbating, mind you, just watching porn to converse with them.
Drugs are a hell of a drug.
>find the restaurant again.
>come back sober.
>food taste like shit now.
Like looking up a mediocre band/dj you heard while rolling at a festival. Ugh. Makes you think maybe drugs just make people dumb enough to like everything.
Worked for 80s metal!
I’ve seen places like this. You only notice them late at night when all the lights are off elsewhere. Operated infrequently cuz it’s just a family joint and they got other stuff to do. But you chance upon them at the right time and oh man is it worth it.
Being high also increases the pleasure from foods, in my experience. One time my wife made chocolate chip pancakes while we were high and they were legit the best thing I’d ever eaten, but looking back on a photo I took of them they look like they probably weren’t very great.
Is this not basic knowledge? This is up there with the warnings to not put plastic bags over your head.
Yes, my dude, marijuana makes you eat ALL the treats.
In my early-20s I remember getting super baked and spending my rent money for the week on Sonic the Hedgehog ice creams.
At current rent prices that seems insane, but back then I was paying $30 a week for “alcove” in a warehouse. 🤣
“You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location.
The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror.
These are just examples; it could also be something much better.
Prepare to enter The Scary Door.”- Futurama
And the original behind The Scary Door:
“You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.
That’s the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!”Or:
“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.
It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.
It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.”There’s one or two more intro texts.
Help I’m steppin’ into the Twilight Zone!
Place is a mad house, feels like being cloned.
My beacon’s been moved under moon and star,
Where am I to go now that I’ve gone too far?
- Golden Earring
Never actually knew the lyrics to that song. Just mumbles until the last word of each line.
Removed by mod
“Restaurant in another world” anime be like
SCP material
If they were in Asia, this is normal. The best places pop up and before you get used to it, they are gone.
What’s the reasoning for this? Are people setting up stalls to make ends meet temporarily or do they get shut down by someone?
A variety of reasons. Some move around as different days brings different crowds. Some only open when they need money and take a break when they do not. Some go out of business as they were just not good at managing their operations yet their food was amazing. Some get sick. Some just move around the block as they were on someone’s turf. Sure there are other reasons but getting shutdown by the police seems to not really happen here much unless you are in front of a government building or a some wealthy property. Out side of that it is a free for all. At least here in Vietnam.
They move around. Go where the money is. Not going to make any money depending on one high white kid at 2am.
MSG moment
Metal Solid Gear?!
A flavor to surpass Sodium Chloride!?
Molecules, son.
Hrrrngh Colonel, I’m trying cook some food but it’s dummy umami and the aroma from my meal keeps alerting the guards
I have a place like this in my town. They know their food is bomb ass good and they still manage to be excited you’re there to eat even though the place is filthy
Honestly, the best Chinese food comes from places where you can see the whole kitchen, everything is a little covered in grease, and there are boxes of supplies in the hall. If the place is too clean and organized, the food is probably just ok. I found my first holy grail at my first real adult job and mourned it for years when I left and then about a year ago I found the second and I’m pretty sure I’m singlehandedly responsible for about half their business.