Nothing nsfw please
If you are interested in LLM, you can go to Reddit and see bots talking to other bots everywhere.
Honesty and really as of now much more interaction than lemmy, and no downvotes for not using Linux or saying Linux is hard for anyone regularly using windows
You know IMDB? Well there’s also IMFDB, Internet Movie Firearms Data Base. You can look up any movie and figure out what guns were used in it.
For example here’s the one for the movie HEAT (1995)
And also for watches
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I’m stoned and don’t know what I was expecting but that made me giggle a lot, and I’m also reeeealy glad I have food warming up, otherwise I would be really upset. 😂
Why is it always sandwich’s. 20 years ago Bert Reynolds waterfall sandwiches was weird single serve website. We’ve come full circle people
I miss stumble upon :(
Ah this scratches that itch. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, I’ll give it a try.
Totally forgot about that site. Those were the days… i didn’t even know it was gone. When did it shut down
I don’t know exactly when, I think they sold out years back and just fell off after that.
For younger generations. Lovingly remade in HTML5 because flash is dead.
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If the moon were only one pixel
An accurate presentation of the solar system where the size of the moon is a single pixel. It really makes you realize how big and empty our solar system is. (Be prepared for a lot of scrolling)Yeah this website is so cool
One night, I stumbled on a website posting the thoughts and words of Joseph Duncan, who killed a family in northern Idaho. As well as others in other states. He was on death row and wasn’t allowed internet access, but he was getting his words out there, and someone was posting for him.
He went into many details of what led to those Idaho murders. Things that were never mentioned in the press. How he came to be there and very intimate details of that night and things that happened after. It was not easy to read, but I had this weird sense of obligation to continue once I started. Like I would be doing the family a disservice if I didn’t read what they had gone through that night. Sounds weird, I know. There are certain scenes of it that I’ll never get out of my head.
When he was caught with the lone survivor, he had kidnapped (kidnapped two but killed the boy not long after), I was just down the street at a different restaurant. I had just moved to the area when the murders happened.
He also went into detail about him taking and killing a boy in southern California, which was near where I grew up.
I don’t remember the website name, and I imagine it is gone now since he died of cancer in 2020.
I’m assuming this is it ?
curiosity got me so I did a search for his name with “writings” and a reddit post came up with this link. I haven’t read any of it yet…That is it.
Though a quick look, looks like his actual details that I read are scrubbed. Will check further though.
I remember there being separate sections or possible a link to other stuff. Been awhile, so hard to remember. Not even sure how I stumbled upon it anymore. Must have been in a true crime reddit thread.
Wondering if whoever maintains it took down his actual writings.
On one hand I really don’t want to go down the rabbit hole, but I know my morbid curiosity will win at some point… A little glad some of the detail has been removed, ngl…
AOTY - One of the best site to discover/evaluate music.
Pdb - Personality database about fiction and real characters.
ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ - Copypastable text emoticons.
Not a specific website, but digital gardens are super cool. They are like people’s personal wkis full of their thoughts and interests. It’s not like a chronological blog, but instead it’s a web of hyperlinks connecting thoughts and ideas together!
Do apps count?
Counting apps do.
Nobly is one that helps people pay it forward with good deeds.
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(edited link as the comments weren’t showing)
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