From TV, movie, book, fanfic, audio drama, cuneiform tablet, or whatever.
Arthur Dent
Close, I liked Marvin. It IS all so depressing.
Sam Gamgee
Frodo: You’ve left out one of the chief characters - Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn’t have got far without Sam.
Sam: Now Mr. Frodo, you shouldn’t make fun; I was being serious.
Frodo: So was I.
Sam: Samwise the Brave…
Gets me every time.
I was thinking more of the likes drinking beer and gardening similarities.
Fuck, just your comment got me.
Chandler Bing, Bing!
The layers of sarcasm blocking real emotion. That’s what I identify with.
My namesake - Rottcodd.
Rottcodd is a minor character in Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast books. He’s the caretaker of the Hall of Bright Carvings - a gallery of statues high up in a far distant corner of the castle Gormenghast. He lives there contentedly and peacefully by himself and rarely sees anyone, but through a window at one end of the gallery, he can see the castle spread out below him, and can barely make out tiny-with-distance people scurrying around doing… whatever it is that they’re doing.
And yeah - for better or worse, I identify with him so much that I swiped his name.
I saw one episode of the Gormenghast TV series and loved it (I think? I have positive memories about the name, but nothing else). I had no idea there were books. Thanks for mentioning this.
Love me some Gormenghast!
George Costanza
Mr. Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman and Bandit from Bluey.
What is this, a crossover episode?!
Oh no! I seem happy! I seem very happy!
Donald Duck
Fry ?
Like Fry like Fry!
I identify most with Phillip J. Fry from Futurama. I don’t know what this says about me though.
Hey, you can do a lot worse than Philip J. Fry (like Zoidberg or Zapp).
Hehe, true!
Naomi from The Expanse. Hence my username, if you know you know. Fleeing from a relationship with a narcissist landed me where I am now in my life, so I feel that episode (called Hard Vacuum).
Bit of a copout, but all the main characters from Dispatches From Elsewhere (though I guess that’s by design).
“I want you to think of yourself… as Peter”
It’s not a show for everyone. But I was quite moved by it.
The bard in Wandersong. At one point, they state the ideology I live my life by in plain text, and another character points out the flaws in that ideology. Playing that game felt like therapy.
Paul Blart
Mark Corrigan from Peep Show
i’ve alway wanted to be like obi-wan, but that’s more like a role model than “he so me for real”.