That is a much better use of land!
lmfao good
fuck golf
Removed by mod
Interesting. Insane, but interesting.
Is this serious? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such an offensive and stupid take, you must be joking or 15.
Is this serious?
It’s probably just a conflict bot, trying to get people to argue with each other.
I checked their profile and it’s a lot of normal human posts. Not even often political I think my own history has more political takes.
A lack of political takes/posts is actually kind of an indicator of a conflict bot; as they tend to make a bunch of random non-argumentative posts as a history background, and then be used just for a while for conflict, then disappear.
But yeah it can also just be somebody trolling as well.
Thanks I didn’t know that!
“It’s a bot” is currently the go-to claim whenever you want to use what was said in an attempt to confirm what you already believe.
From personal experience, these men usually get more frustrated with golf than enjoy it. Either duffing drives or hitting balls into lakes.
What a crock of shite
Lol lmao even
Just stop.
Stay with me.
Well, that was a mistake.
While I loathe golf courses and am always happy to take the piss out of the “elites”, this feels like something more.
This might just be the CCP flexing political power over Hong Kong in general, but I’d be curious to see what the primary motivation behind this decision was. Obviously it wasn’t building public housing, that’s just a good cover story with a positive side effect.
That’s exactly what this is, a CCP flex, and it’s quite sad (though not at all unexpected) to see half the people in this thread applauding it.
We don’t read the article, just the headline. And it allowed us to shit on rich people over a game that really doesn’t change much at all. That’s all we needed.
Half of lemmy is pro-Chinese chills.
the CCP can’t possibly do something in the interests of the people, their must be something dastardly behind this.
Your just as bad as the tankies who think u.s. aid is just a CIA front, or the Republicans who think welfare is just Democrats keeping black people poor and dependent.
The u.s government and CCP aren’t just full of villains trying to oppress people, both have the capacity for empathy and compassion and do exercise it often.
That’s not what I said, but I love how you misquoted me in the framework of your own personal warped version of reality.
Read the subtext of the article. This location was obviously selected for a politically motivated reason, and I’d be interested to know what that was i.e. was it a general show of power (boring), or was it some hyper specific personal conflict with a prominent member of the club and a CCP party member (interesting).
That doesn’t mean the intent behind the CCP policy isn’t good, well intentioned, or positive. But that’s not surprising to me, so it’s not very interesting. What drove the politics behind the decision to raze a Golf Course to spite HK elite, is very interesting, at least to me.
I just drove past a golf course yesterday and thought we should do this!
May I ask why? My old town had about a dozen golf courses when I was growing up. Now when I drive by it’s all housing developments other than the few that remain. It used to be a more rural area.
I’d much rather see green space and golf courses than housing developments. While I completely agree that there is a housing shortage, it appears that root issue isn’t solved by more housing developments on golf courses. Instead, why not convert existing buildings (such as unused office spaces) into public housing. Or, prevent corporations or investment firms from buying up real estate/housing to turnaround and jack up costs.
I may be biased but I’ve had these views before picking up golf. I mainly use golf as a way to stay active as I’m getting older and get outside in the fresh air.
A local municipality did the same thing but instead of building housing that the public can afford these houses are going for 400k bare bones. They effectively snubbed both the rich and the poor, and mostly just teh poor. In fact it’s a really nice part of town to live so just the poor nevermind.
I live in the outskirts of NYC and have to remind myself $400k isn’t budget housing. Every now and then I’ll look up regular size apartments in the area and they’re usually $1-2 million
I wish golf wasn’t a sport of the elite. It’s such a fun. Whacking a ball as far as you can is so satisfying and then combo that with an all day walk through a garden. We must revive golf as the every man’s sport!
Never thought about golf like this, it always seems so boring and pretentious, hitting a little ball seems so technical
Watch less pro golf. All the old farts out there suck ass and are largely just taking the chance to be out drinking with friends. Don’t need to be sober to drive a golf cart, at least here.
I often see golf clubs at thrift stores and affordable courses do exist at least where I live. Maybe it’s just just perception thing!
But yeah fuck golf courses regardless. There’s also indoor golf which isn’t a drain on the environment and taking up useless land and actually can be fun experience for anyone cuz it can be an inclusive experience for any skill or economic class, like bowling.
There’s a somewhat rinky-dink course in my hometown that’s pretty cheap but still nice. It was pretty fun to go in the evening and walk nine holes where you get a good but easy exercise with some nature to it.
Trying to find that same experience away from my hometown has been a challenge. The sport is too damn expensive!
I’ve got several municipal courses around where the green fee is $35, and a cart rental is $10. I got a random set of clubs from a buddy for $50, and you can get a decent box of balls from Costco for about $25. I think it’s definitely about where you’re at, but I enjoy spending an afternoon with buddies playing whackfuck (I’m absolutely terrible).
When they confiscate everything from Trump I hope they turn the golf courses into public housing
it will just go to the next rich a-hole who has the money to pay for it. We don’t get happy endings in america.
Happy endings cost extra.
Rare China W. We better get our politicians to take notes of this one.
A more telling sign would be if they did it on the mainland. They’re always happy to go against HK because they’re more likely to rebel and demand their rights back.
Still broken clocks and all so good on them for this I guess.
Hell yeah. Having a humongous area of grass that needs to be moved and watered reserved for a boring sport when there are tons of people paying ridiculously high rent to be able to cram themselves into some tiny closet. Fuck the CCP tho.
It’s surreal that there even was a golf course on that tiny island.
The golf course isn’t on an island.