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Tell me more about these “spells”, which occur in limited numbers, are capable of long-range attacks, deal explosive & powerful damage… and can only be performed by someone who has the proper equipment and spends time in advance preparing them for use? :-D
I loved Outlaw Star! Such cool world building!
Why does this remind me of a lightsaber? Oh yes I see, it is the personal love and craftsmanship of its construction, noice:-D.
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
More civilized than now, that’s for sure, sigh:-(.
This is the 2nd time today that I’ve ran across a caster on Lemmy & I’m loving it!
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no… no! Don’t remind me of Outlaw Star!
I’ll need to watch it again! It’s been so very long. It is such a core part of my aesthetic & genre preferences since I first saw it as a teenager, but I haven’t seen it in a good while.
sighs Pulls out D&D character sheet.
5E’s semi-official gunslinger uses wisdom instead of intelligence, so unless you have a GM willing to let you make a wis-casting wizard you might want to go cleric instead. I think that swapping casting stats should be allowed in a lot of situations anyway, and not only because wis-ard is a funny pun, but I’m aware that this isn’t a universal opinion. Forge cleric would let you make your gun magic and ask god for ammunition with only two levels though
Wizard with a gun is fun and all, but praising blessed ammunition tickles a different set of fancies.
Shouldn’t a gunslinger be a Dexterity based class?
For the most part it is. But it uses wisdom as its secondary stat, so if you pick a non-wis caster class you’re going to have to split your ASIs up a lot
Artificer would work too though. Arcane spells, flamethrower, and pistol. Call it the 'Namancer. Let the Artificer upgrade it as their wand for Arcane firearm and burst fire a number of shots identical to cantrip scaling.
Hold on. I need to go write this up. I feel some Duality of Man helmet graffiti coming on…
Born 2 Cast&Blast
Please keep updated
I think pathfinder has at least 3 ways to build wizard-with-a-gun
Damn, Harry Dresden is not aging well.
I admit I stopped at about book five, but I don’t remember Harry ever using a gun.
He definitely does, but I think it fades in and out of use at times. Even in Storm Front I believe he has a .38 Special. Later books I think it’s a .44 Magnum.
Even later so he gets finger guns: >!Arctis!<
See Dresden and Sandman Slim
Unfortunately a mediocre, rushed game.
I’ve heard about a spellsword would this be a spell rifle?
7 shot, with a septagram carved on the barrel
I vote for Wizgun.
The Spifleman’s Creed
Artificer is in the house I see…
Is this an American remake of lord of the rings?
Skip the whole two tower nonsense by Gandalf shooting Saruman in the dick.
Saruman probably: That’s not the sound of a man who was shot in the dick.
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Dresden Files. They never expect the .45
I cast hail of lead
Harry Dresden approves this message
Yeah! Thanks, you were a bit faster. :-D
I’m waiting for people to just mod a fucking .45 Caliber into Baldurs Gate 3 so I can blast Gortash in his fucking head the first time I see him
Try Arcanum if you havent
Shoulda checked like 3 weeks ago. They had you sorted already.
I am so much ready for Artificer dlc. I am ready with every fiber of my being
Wingardium leviosa real quick
Thops pulling out an AR-15
“Who’s the bluntstone now, bitches?! Bet you wish you had my shield magic now, don’t you, you stupid stone-faced bastards!”
Raya Lucaria scholars fleeing in terror
“Who gave that maniac a key to the gate?!”
“hey tarnished, don’t go to academy today…”