How to sign up services without phone number?
Hello all, recently wanted to signup for temporary permanent legit emailmid in gmail. It was asking me Phone number in process, i tried to use multiple numbers from regular online resources ( more than 30) but nothing worked. I don’t want to give my personal phone number in real life to someone’s unless Its I want to.
How do I sign up services where phone number is required ? Is there throw away phone number I can get ? Is there way to skip it all together ( not on Gmail for sure ) Your help be appreciated.
Use other email accounts like Proton, perhaps?
You can get an eSIM pretty cheap, or buy individual activation phones from truverifi and similar sites. But it’s like $30/mo if you want a private number. Just to activate services it’s a dollar or two depending on the services.
Just make sure you remove it as a security code phone # after you create the account.
There is one site I know of that sells Ukrainian phone numbers for $15/year. Texts come in via email. A phone number is a phone number, if it doesn’t have to be US for some reason.
Thanks for reply .In don’t want to be stuck with a temporary phone at all. It will be just to sign up and that’s all. I am not bound tonany country for signup , I can be any country in world as you said a phone number is a phone number. Can you let me know details?
Protonmail doesn’t require phone numbers.
And they respect your privacy.
Generally, the reasons for a phone number are:
Account recovery 2FA
If you don’t want to use your number then consider a pre-pay sim. Depending what country you are in this will cost pennies per year.
I would suggest something like ProtonMail or most paid email services won’t require a number.
Use Protonmail not gmail
I generally use tv numbers for this stuff.
555 numbers for the US.
Anecdotally, I’ve had good luck using the paid app Burner. YMMV, but it always worked for me
Thanks for reply, what is paid app burner? Can you point me in right direction?
Disclaimer: it’s been several years since I used this app. I’m making no claims on whether or not it will work for you
I think it’s this?
It’s an app named burner. It’s not free.
If you’re in the US, a Google VOIP number is free. The only service that won’t accept it is - Google. The drawback? You gotta use it every now and then or they’ll reclaim the number. And Google listens to all the conversations and texts.
Lot of places don’t accept Google Voice numbers any more (or VOIP in general). They straight up want your cell.